My tweets

  • Tue, 10:05: When I got to work this morning a lady asked if I had seen “The Batman” and whether I would recommend it. That would be insignificant, except that I also learned she has evidently never seen any other Batman movie. Why start now then?
  • Tue, 13:36: OH MY GOD YOU GUYS.

    If you review this video of Barbara and me singing "Happy Birthday" to Patty Smith Hill, the original composer of that song, it starts with a shot of her gravestone, which only notes the years of her birth and death: 1868-1946. But guess what! RT…

    I only just discovered the actual date of her birthday. March 27.

    The date of our visit to the cemetery? March 27!

    Barbara and I sang "Happy Birthday" to the composer of that song ON HER 154th BIRTHDAY. And we had no idea!

    I would say "What are the odds?" except we already know the odds. One in 365!

    Anyway. I was trying to see if there was a Facebook place page for another spot in the cemetery when I ran across a Facebook Event for people to come and "Sing Happy Birthday to Patty Hill!" (—on the exact day I was there with Barbara. The event was scheduled for noon though and we were there singing at 3:43. We didn't even know there had already been a Happy Birthday singing party four hours earlier! (According to Facebook two people went at noon.)
  • Tue, 18:29: It’s time for April #HappyHour!
  • Tue, 21:24: I finally finished! All 270 photos from my trip to Louisville, Indianapolis, and Cincinnati—have been captioned. I know you were all waiting with bated breath!