on the count of obsolescence


— पांच हजार दो सौ चौदह —

The most you're going to get today in terms of reading material is my review of On the Count of Three, the new Jerrod Carmichael film about best friends who make a pact to kill each other at the end of the day. It wasn't as good as Blindspotting—my #2 movie of 2018—but I still really liked it.

The movie is playing at The Egyptian Theater, an easy six-block walk from home, but for some reason only at 7:00 every night. Maybe because of estimated demand: I was one of maybe six people in the audience for this movie, and I was the only one who sat up in the balcony. Talk about "social distancing."

Anyway, the movie, which is quite short at only 86 minutes, let out shortly after 8:30. I walked home and immediately set out to write the review, which I had ready to post at about 9:50.

— पांच हजार दो सौ चौदह —


— पांच हजार दो सौ चौदह —

I was home for a short while before the movie. I rode my bike from work, and at Shobhit's request, made grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup for dinner—our second evening in a row for having that dinner. I was fine with it, though; it turns out the Cheesecake Factory "Brown Bread" loaf we got at Amazon Fresh is quite well suited for grilled cheese sandwiches. That bread is probably loaded with both sugar and other ingredients that would never meet PCC standards, but whatever, it's tasty!

I've been having trouble getting my iMac to download and apply the latest system update from Apple, which has been a pain in the ass. No one can ever tell me there's anything I need to fix on that thing, even though I often get the "rainbow wheel" every other keystroke. I've had it since 2015 and honestly I think it's inching closer and closer to obsolescence. Not that there's any need for it to be, but for the fucking standard practice of planned obsolescence. I actually had an intention to buy a new computer last year but then changed my mind when a customer service agent told me no newer computer has any better memory capacity. Well, something's fucking wrong with it.

I also need to upgrade my phone, which has started running down its battery far more quickly now that my contract expired a few months ago. One thing at a time, I guess.

— पांच हजार दो सौ चौदह —


[posted 12:27 pm]