Victoria Postscripts


— पांच हजार दो सौ पच्चीस —

I engaged in a bit of revisionist history this morning, backdating my very long post about Shobhit's and my anniversary trip to Victoria to last night, at 10:17, which was the time at which I sent the "part two" travelogue email, that combined with "part one" being what that post was adapted from, with very few changes (but of course, and as always, with a lot of html code added for proper formatting online). I'll let you in on a little secret: I actually posted it this morning. But, I wanted it backdated since last night was actually when the email list received the emails.

I spent a lot of time both yesterday and today on the emails alone; I didn’t even have time for drafting emails at any point on Wednesday night—Shobhit and I got home at about 6:30, and after only partially unpacking, I only had time that evening for a last run-through of my 334 photos covering four days in the Photos app on my iMac; exporting them to my external hard drive; renaming all the photo files with my longstanding naming convention indicating calendar dates and chronological order; and uploading and tagging the photos to my Flickr account. It was 10:55 p.m. before I was finally going to sleep that night.

Usually I keep my travelogue emails for a trip this short to a one-parter, but with four days and three nights, we packed truly so much into this trip that I didn't want to leave anything out. I usually reserve two-parters for minimum weeklong trips or vacations, but I sent this one in two parts: 15 shots in "part one" (one of which was actually from the 2007 trip to Victoria, for comparison with a similar shot taken on Sunday at Butchart Gardens) and 13 shots in "part two." That's 28 photos in the two emails combined, with many links, to either other photos or videos I took, or to other websites, sprinkled all throughout (as usual). I added a few embedded video clips to the blog post version, so that has a total of 32 shots (photo or video) in it.

I just copied and pasted the whole blog post into Word to check the word count: 5,067. That's equivalent to about 9 pages if it were text-only.

Sachin came over last night, having come from a work "summer party" where he had enough beers that he was visibly drunk the moment he came in. Shobhit had said he was in the mood for a drink before Sachin came in, but after he arrived Shobhit bagged that idea and suggested I make chai for us all, so that's what I did. That took some time, as did what little help I have Shobhit as he prepared the garbanzo beans and puris he made for dinner (Sachin actually helped a lot more than I did), as did just sitting to eat. Still, it was well after 10:00 before I was even ready to send out my travelogue emails—I had no time last night to do the html conversions to blog post form. But, another reason I backdated the post to last night was that I had only ever posted the morning Twitter digests each day for the previous four days, and I didn't want yet another day skipped from a regular post, especially since yesterday wasn't even a travel day. Normally I'd have posted a standard Daily Lunch Update yesterday, but instead I spent my lunch break working on the draft of the "part one" email travelogue.

I didn't get to sleep last night until a quarter till midnight, but there were several reasons for that, not least of which was having had chai, making it difficult to fall asleep quickly after the email writing already had me up later than was ideal. Then there was the chirping of the smoke alarm, which started at about 11:30. What a great time for that to happen! I had to unplug the unit in addition to pulling the battery out just to get it to stop. Let's hope I don't start any fires in the bedroom any time soon.

— पांच हजार दो सौ पच्चीस —


— पांच हजार दो सौ पच्चीस —

How I organized this trip's photos on Flickr was unusually complex. As I said already, the trip yielded 334 photos and video clips, which by normal standards is too much for just one photo album, but for this time around every single shot is in two different albums, because I did do separated photo sets by location or point of interest or theme, but also created a single photo album for them all. I did the latter for the purposes of organizing in certain photo album collections.

The single, 334-shot photo album can be viewed here.

The trip organized into eleven separate photo albums, ranging in size from 13 shots to 57 shots, can be viewed here.

That all-encompassing single photo album was best used for inclusion in all of these collections: Anniversaries; Travels, 2022; Trips to Canada (all); and of course, Victoria.

Then there are the couple of the separated, smaller sets more easily organized into other collections by theme: Butchart Gardens is now a collection of all three of my visits there (just including the 2007 and 2008 whole-Victoria-visit albums because in both cases Butchart Gardens takes up about half the album, so I saw no need to separate them out); and the Parliament Building photo album is part of what I now call the State/Province Capitol Tours collection. A tour of the Wyoming State Capitol should get added to that collection next month, and whenever the hell I can finally visit Edmonton I'll get a second Province capitol (legislature) building added.

I'd love to get all 334 photos captioned, but God knows when or even if I'll be able to get to that. I did paste photo captions from the travelogues into captions on Flickr for the correlated photos, so that much of the story of this trip is already sprinkled around the photos. I'd aim to work on it this weekend, but I've got yet another busy weekend ahead of me. It's been over a week since I've gone to a movie and I'd like to go see the new Pixar film, Lightyear tonight; tomorrow is Uncle Paul's memorial service out at Mason Lake; and Sunday Laney is coming over to watch Scream 2. I suppose I might have some time for captioning on Sunday. But, bear in mind, tomorrow's memorial service will yield more photos of its own; and then next weekend is already Pride. Jesus Christ these fun events I can't even keep up with never end!

— पांच हजार दो सौ पच्चीस —

[posted 12:29 pm]