My tweets

  • Sun, 08:42: Way better than anyone could reasonably expect the *seventh* film in a franchise to be—and arguably the best one of them all. That's what I'm arguing anyway.
  • Sun, 11:00: I just learned about comedic actor Jack Lemmon’s excellent headstone.
  • Sun, 19:10: Today Shobhit and I took the water taxi across the water to West Seattle and Alki Beach for Alki Beach Pride—an event I didn't even know existed until this year, even though it apparently started eight years ago! (More specifically, it germinated about two decades ago with just friends gathering around a bonfire each year.)

    The "festivities" officially occur on both Saturday and Sunday, but evidently Saturday is far more "eventful" than Sunday—and I had plans yesterday, so today was my only day to check it out. It was far less involved than I was expecting: just a live DJ with rainbow flags at Marination Ma Kai, the restaurant right at Seacrest Ferry Dock; and two solitary booths, spaced pretty far apart, along Alki Beach itself, which Shobhit and I walked 2 miles to from the pier. One of the booths was about HIV vaccine trials, which Shobhit and I both signed up to be considered for.