Wed, 05:39: And now I'm realizing that my daily obsessive scrolling through Facebook Memories is just an exercise in watching *myself* grow old. Still. How could I not? I'm just so entertaining!
Wed, 09:48: For a second there I thought quite the bailout was getting extended to anyone in need of an exterminator.
Wed, 14:53: Last night Shobhit and I watched the final two, out of a total of eight, episodes of "A League of Their Own" on Prime Video. I thought the show was pretty good throughout, but was particularly impressed by how well they stuck the landing in the end, which totally made me cry. Both the casting and content were inclusive in a way the 1992 movie on which it's based was not, which helps close the gap in terms of the fact that the film is still better—but the show easily justifies itself. Even though the way the characters all speak is wildly anachronistic, all these women in 1943 talking as though it's 2022. Lots of period pieces do that, though, so it's fine. I was thoroughly entertained by it, and once I had seen the whole season, found that it very much exceeded expectations. I really recommend it.