Christmas 2023

2. Sherri
3. Gina
4. Beth
5. Me
6. Jennifer
7. Matthew
8. Hope
9. Chase
10. Ian The unusual additions this year were Gina and Beth, who traditionally host a big Christmas Eve dinner with friends at their house. The thing is, two of the gay men they typically host are brothers, and they have a bunch of family visiting this year who don't usually visit, so they are hosting others on their own this year. That freed up Gina and Beth for dinner with us. Gina recently had a pretty major surgery on her foot anyway, and this probably made for a less stressful Christmas Eve for her than it otherwise might have been. (That said, Dad and Sherri had gone over to their house in the morning, when David and Jackie and their two small children were there.) I also do this every year, so here's a log of the Christmas Eve Dinner counts since 2012 (*asterisked years include Jennifer): 2012: 5
2013: 9*
2014: 4 [at Lemon Grass]
2015: 7*
2016: 11*
2017: 7* [at Applebee's due to Emperor's Palace snow closure]
2018: 10*
2019: 8*
2020: 0
2021: 3
2022: 8*
2023: 10* This year was, indeed, the most we've had for Christmas Eve dinner, not just since before covid, but since 2018. Gina and Beth declined to come to the house after dinner ("I'm all peopled out!" Gina said), but Jennifer and her family did. Dad had hoped we could play some games, particularly the national parks game Gina and Beth gave him for Christmas last year, which I guess he has now enjoyed playing several times. But, only up to five people can play, and there were too many of us. Instead, we all just sat in the living room visiting for maybe two and a half hours. During this time, both Jennifer, and Dad and Sherri, opened their calendar gifts. The theme this year was Australia, because of our trip there this year. I kind of unnecessarily worried that people wouldn't be that into it, because I've actually done that very same theme before—for Christmas 2020, on the 2021 calendars I made, after our first trip to Australia, in early 2020. No one seemed to even remember that, though, and everyone who opened a calendar with me around seemed to really love them, the Australia photos for each month as well as the photos I always put in the grids for birthdays and anniversaries. Jennifer & company left around 9:00, at which time Dad was somewhat surprisingly game for going over to check out "Oly Lightstravaganza," a huge light display at a house all of about half a mile from Dad and Sherri's house. I was happy to just walk if I needed to, but Dad said he'd drive us (Sherri didn't feel like doing). This ultimately made Shobhit happy, because he didn't want to have to wait until dark on Christmas Day to go look at it, thereby delaying our drive back home that evening. Between Oly Lightstravaganza and Wilson St Winter Wonderland, I keep all of those photo albums in one collection on Flickr, for Olympia holiday light displays. We only went to Wilson St last year and the year before (though we did try Oly Lightstravaganza last year on our way back out of town, only to discover we were too early and the lights weren't turned on yet), so I hadn't seen this one since 2020. And that year, of course, there were social distancing measures in place, so I hadn't seen it presented as normal since 2019. It's basically the same, so I'll be happy to skip it next year, and maybe go back to Wilson Street again. Still, it's very pretty. I brought my laptop with me, so I could process photos as I went along, even for only a one-night visit. I love having that laptop to travel with, it's been such a game changer for me. I worked on photos for a bit after getting back from the lights, but then we getting too tired and so I went to bed. So that brings us to Christmas, and . . . Christmas 2023 Roll Call! 1. Dad
2. Sherri
3. Angel
4. Brandi [Angel's daughter, my niece]
5. Nick [Brandi's husband]
6. Jaycee [Brandi and Nick's daughter]
7. Gianni [Brandi and Nick's son]
8. Enzo [Brandi and Nick's toddler]
9. Britni [Angel's daughter]
10. Gina
11. Beth
12. Matthew
13. Shobhit
14. Wendy [Sherri's sister] I might as well also get this out of the way, the Christmas Roll Call history: 2011: 11
2012: 28
2013: 16
2014: 20
2015: 33
2016: 9
2017: 15
2018: 20
2019: 20
2020: 8 [four in person, just Dad and Sherri, Shobhit and me; four at a separate time on Zoom]
2021: 19
2022: 17
2023: 14 The number we have at Christmas really seems to go up and down over the years—this year being the smallest number there's been in a non-covid year since 2016. (Ricky and his family were scheduled to come over for leftovers today, apparently not having had the time to make it yesterday; I already noted that David and Jackie came to Gina and Beth's on Christmas Eve morning.) This was also the first Christmas hosted at Dad and Sherri's house since the pandemic—Gina and Beth have hosted the past two years, as well as hosting most other holidays. They hosted Thanksgiving this year too, but with the state of Gina's foot, they were happy to hand the hosting duties back over to Dad and Sherri for this year, which it sounds like Dad has kind of missed doing anyway. But, somewhat to my disappointment, since they did Christmas this year, Dad opted not to do a New Year's Day family get-together after all, and says that assuming Christmas will shift back to Gina's and Beth's again next year, he'll probably get back to the New Year's gathering again then. This might work out okay for me this year anyway. Shobhit called Faith to wish her a Merry Christmas, and when he suggested she fly up from Palm Springs to spend New Year's Eve with us, she sounded surprisingly into the idea. I'm skeptical of her actually following through on that, but it would be really fun, in which case I'd be otherwise occupied for the whole holiday weekend anyway. If that doesn't happen, then I'm hoping, if he's available and at home, I can just take Shobhit's car while he works New Year's Day and go hang out for a bit with Gabriel, perhaps watch a movie. Speaking of covid, just like last year, there's been a clear uptick in infections, and several friends and family have posted to scocials about having to stay home for Christmas due to testing positive. It's made me a little paranoid, but I did test just for peace of mind before leaving on Sunday morning, and I was negative. I mentioned this to Dad and Sherri later that evening, and they hadn't tested that day, though Sherri had tested just a few days before, as she does relatively frequently, apparently, due to other ailments that leave her frequently fatigued, and this years-long chronic cough that has nothing to do with covid. Dad went ahead and tested while we were hanging out before dinner on Christmas Eve, and he was negative as well. If I had to guess, no one else I hung out with on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day did a covid test. But, well, I did my part. Thankfully no one in our family was sick this year. And: even with the number of people who didn't make it to the house this year, I was able to give all but three of the calendars—for South Puget Sound people, anyway—in person. The only ones that had to be taken by others to pass on later were David and Jackie's (which Gina took), and both Ricky's and Alex and Caitlin's (which Angel took). When Brandi and Nick opened their calendar, it was like a Big Family Event, both because they clearly love the calendars and look forward to them every year, and because, among all my nieces and nephews, their family is currently the biggest, with three kids. And they were all eager to find out what photo I used for their birthdays in the grid pages. Jaycee, who is 14, was of course unhappy with my choice, but she seems to be at an age where she's unhappy with everything. (When I quickly managed to snap this very sweet shot, she said, "I saw that. Delete it. Delete it." I was like, "Nope. Nope." I refuse!) Anyway, Shobhit arrived at the house, having driven from Seattle, at about 10:30. It was well after noon before anyone else arrived. And to be perfectly honest, once we got to our peak of 14 people, I was perfectly happy for it not to be more—the cacophony from just that many people was more than enough. Even when Beth was trying to state the rules of the White Elephant gift exchange, she had to quiet everyone down. I'll mention just a few things about the gift exchange, in which both Shobhit and I participated. Shobhit gifted a Seattle Kraken scarf he got for insanely cheap at Bartell Drugs when it was closing, was sure it would be popular, I was skeptical it would be, and Shobhit was right: Nick opened the gift, was super happy with it, and then was bummed when Wendy stole it from him. The gift I got was the "Fuck Off, I'm Adorable" coloring book I bought at Retrofit on Capitol Hill, which really cracked me up, and I guess I was the only one. Being clearly a book of some kind even when wrapped, it was the last gift anyone chose, and Nick opened it after the scarf, which was what he really wanted, was stolen from him. He was moderately amused by it. Shobhit was convinced Jaycee would be into it, and she insisted she was not. (That said, Brandi has demonstrated how often Jaycee insists she's too cool for whatever, only to get into it later.) The gift Shobhit opened was both very exciting for him and perfect for him: a set of mixing bowls with both lids and graters that can be fitted into them. Britni very nearly stole it and then changed her mind, so we got to bring that home. The gift I opened was a pair of ThermoFlask insulated bottles, which at first I wasn't that excited about because, just by virtue of working at PCC, I already have countless bottles of that sort. But! Then I realized these have straws, and none of the ones I already have do, and suddenly I was much happier with them, as it will make it much easier to drink drinks I sneak into movie theaters. Before I forget, I should mention the fruitcake, which has been in the family now in one form or another for 25 years, and most of us are now ready to be done with it—including me. But, I had given it to Angel in 2021. I totally was thinking it was last year, but she forgot to give it to anyone then, and forgot it again this year. She was really excited in 2021 because she'd never gotten it, whereas several of the rest of us had had it more than once. She later posted to Facebook "Entire Family" group that she gave it to Ricky, who had also had it once before, in 2010. As much as I loved having that fruitcake passed around for two and a half decades, even I think it's more than enough. Ricky should incinerate it. If it ever comes back to me, that's what I'll do with it. After Britni ruined the first one in a defrosted freezer in Hawaii in 2011, and the only replacement one I could find in 2016 was far too much bigger, it's just too much of an inconvenience to whoever has it. God knows our bottom-drawer freezer can't accommodate it anymore.