Sun, 09:45: Today’s car rental, from the same place as last weekend, is a Jeep Wrangler AGAIN. The guy asked if a Jeep Wrangler was okay and I was like, “Is that all you have here?” He replied, “They sent me seventeen.”
Sun, 15:21: Birth Week Hidden Gem #12: “Forgotten Creek,” which I literally kept forgetting the name of! Right outside downtown Everett—and literally across the street from the trailhead, “Depot Park,” converted ~25 years ago (according to the volunteer lady we saw gardening there) from an old train depot. It was actually more of a delightful discovery than Forgotten Creek, which I guess makes it an unexpected Hidden Gem #13! After that: lunch near Boxcar Park, which used to be an old sawmill and you can regale your children with exciting old stories of dismemberment! Then back to my rental Jeep Wrangler, where I’ve evidently been “ducked.” #whattheduck
Sun, 17:59: Birth Week Hidden Gem #14: Scriber Lake Park, a lively oasis surrounded by the City of Lynnwood.
Sun, 20:14: And that’s a wrap on Birth Week 2023—the first in which I’ve managed to confine all activities within a single 10-day stretch as always intended, without any pivots, postponements, or rain checks since 2017!