goal setters


— पांच हजार चार सौ अस्सी —

Yesterday I left work at 4:00 to take myself to SIFF Cinema at the Uptown to watch a French drama-thriller called The Origin of Evil, and I . . . really didn't like it very much. I'm definitely in the minority among viewers on Letterboxd, but whatever. The fun thing about Letterboxd is you can still filter it by a range of ratings close to yours, read through those reviews, and still feel validated.

I'm leaving at 4:00 today too, to see the 40th anniversary reissue of Stop Making Sense, the film that many regard as the best concert documentary ever made. Based solely on how much I loved David Byrne's American Utopia when it was released on HBO in October 2020, I fully expect to have a blast at this one. I might even review it even though it's a reissue.

Anyway I bused home after the movie, and had enough quiet time to write my fairly panning review. Shobhit got home shortly after 9:00 and we watched the series finale of Reservation Dogs on Hulu, which I found to be adequately satisfying. It would have been more satisfying an end to the series if they'd just ended with season 2, but that's okay. I was happy to have another year with these characters.

— पांच हजार चार सौ अस्सी —


— पांच हजार चार सौ अस्सी —

I had my weekly 1x1 with Gabby this morning, over Teams as usual. As of the 2023 performance reviews, we have "individual performance goals" for the year, and Gabby wanted to go over where we are with those in her 1x1s with both me and with Amy today. I was just slightly anxious about it, really not knowing what to expect from the eventual first performance review from a new boss. But I really have to hand it to Gabby, her strategy is to check in with these things, and edit the document as needed so that the goals are a living document that can basically molded to guarantee we can say I met all those goals by the time of the review.

Which is to say: I'm not a huge fan of how clearly corporatized these processes are getting, but it seems to be an added benefit that Gabby came here from massive corporations (having worked at both Starbucks and Amazon). She clearly has experience with how to game these systems. She knows what she's doing, and although I really don't spend a lot of time thinking about "succeeding" in my role, she clearly does have the goal of my success in mind, and will massage the parameters of making it happen. I suppose that makes sense, as she can only feel she's succeeding if her direct reports are succeeding. Regardless, I find myself appreciating it.

— पांच हजार चार सौ अस्सी —


[posted 12:36 pm]