My Threads

  • Fri, 05:49: Holy shit. Somehow I missed that the PCC Downtown store is closing on the EXACT TWO-YEAR-ANNIVERSARY of its Grand Opening—and, being reminded of how exciting that was just underscores what a bummer it is now. I haven't really mentioned this here, but this has all involved a lot of emotions behind the scenes, and it will honestly be a relief for it all just to be behind us so we can move on and get back to looking forward. (This is a very unusual kind of event for PCC, not having closed a store without a neighborhood replacement in thirty years, and thus certainly a first in my time there.)
  • Fri, 15:40: Tough day at work today. I just ate an apple turnover that wasn't pretty enough for a photo shoot.
  • Fri, 18:40: I think I’m going to need more specific instructions
  • Fri, 22:26: Illuminating, but a bit esoteric in approach for my taste.