getting shit done


— पांच हजार सात सौ बारह —

Little to report today, which is just as well given how crunched my time is at work this week. I'm behind on stuff I should be ahead on, and I'm on vacation all of next week. I have one meeting each day tomorrow through Friday, which admittedly is like a dream to many who spend all day in meetings, but that's not something my work load can easily accommodate.

(Not long ago I drew up a list of all my tasks with a regular cadence, from daily to twice weekly to weekly to biweekly to twice monthly to bimonthly to annually, and these combined to 49 separate tasks. Add that to another 9 that are listed "as time allows or as needed," and I've got 58 distinct tasks I'm responsible for here. I genuinely have no idea how that compares to other people, but I don't know: it seems like a lot.)

— पांच हजार सात सौ बारह —


— पांच हजार सात सौ बारह —

Shobhit had a two-hour meeting with the TPS Board last night. Or maybe it was local SAG-AFTRA. Fuck, I can't remember. I think it was TPS.

By the time he was done, he seemed good with getting back to his library book. We didn't watch any TV together last night.

This worked out very well for me, actually, because I made significant headway in getting the templates assembled for this year's calendars on the Shutterfly website. Just like last year, I have six different templates I need to use, depending on the audience and which photos in the calendar grids are relevant to them, for birthdays and anniversaries.

I did finally get confirmation of a pending divorce with one of my nieces. So that's one anniversary and one birthday to remove. I'm sure the person who has for several years had to share a birthday photo with this person will be delighted.

I think I need just one more day with some extra time now. I need to do some proofing and looking over them all again, before I place the actual orders. This process involves a lot of copying templates and then editing them for new audiences, which makes for a lot of potential errors. At least I can copy all the birthdays and anniversaries to a new calendar year so the templates themselves can keep those consistent.

— पांच हजार सात सौ बारह —


[posted 12:29 pm]