My Threads

  • Fri, 09:07: I must admit I did not expect to be as thoroughly charmed by this movie as I was.
  • Fri, 20:36: First day of Seattle Christmas Market, Seattle Center. —And don’t bother coming at me about how it’s “too early”! I got discounted tickets by buying early, back in September, and this was the best date available for both Alexia and me. Last year I saw entry tickets at $30 at the door and was like, fuck that! But this year I got tickets for $15 per person (about $17 with tax and fees), and you know what? I thought I was just crossing it off my list for going at least once, but I can see going again next year, at least for that price. I really enjoyed it, got a lot of really great photos, and thankfully one of the coolest carousels I have ever ridden did not cost any extra so we rode it twice.