Sun, 16:25: Every once in a while Shobhit really surprises me. I just had to explain to him what a music single is.
Sun, 23:11:
September 6, 2001: first Madonna concert, in Oakland with Danielle
May 30, 2004: second Madonna concert, in Las Vegas with Craig
May 27, 2006: third Madonna concert, in Las Vegas with Shobhit
vNovember 8, 2008: fourth Madonna concert, in Las Vegas with Shobhit
October 12, 2012: fifth Madonna concert, in Seattle with Danielle
October 14, 2015: sixth Madonna concert, in Vancouver B.C. with Other Danielle (far right) and Andrea
February 18, 2024: seventh Madonna concert, in Seattle, first time with Danielle and Shobhit together!