mac attack


— पांच हजार पांच सौ बयासी —

I'm on a real Fleetwood Mac kick the past week or so. It all started because, for some reason I can't remember now, I discovered there was a 2017 Deluxe expanded rerelease of the 1987 album Tango in the Night that, amazingly, I had never purchased or downloaded. And it has great remixes on it! I created a playlist to make my own personalized "expanded" version of the album, and have already listened to it twice.

Tango in the Night is maybe my third-favorite album by anyone, by the way. Since I started tracking in 1995, I have listened to it 169 times. This is the fifth-highest number out of all albums, beat only by, of course, Fleetwood Mac's own Rumours (237), and three Madonna albums: Ray of Light (231), American Life (204) and Music (199). It is worth noting that I had already been listening to both Rumours and Tango in the Night for several years prior to 1995, so the numbers on both those albums would have been much higher had I started tracking earlier.

This, of course, just put me into a "Fleetwood Mac mood." I listened to Rumours again twice in the last month, and Fleetwood Mac (released 1975), Tusk (1979), Mirage (1982), Behind the Mask (1990), Say You Will (2003), and The Dance (1997) each once, along with several of my many Fleetwood Mac playlists. I last went on a Fleetwood Mac jag like this in 2022, just a couple of years ago; prior to that in 2018.

The experience is a bit different now that Christine McVie, arguably the most underrated but no less indispensable of the three most famous singers, died in 2022. Which was probably the reason for my Fleetwood Mac jag that year.

— पांच हजार पांच सौ बयासी —


— पांच हजार पांच सौ बयासी —

This is the most interesting stuff I have to tell you about today. About an hour and a half of my evening last night was taken up by our virtual HOA meeting at The Braeburn, which has happened over Zoom every year since the pandemic. It's really safe to make them in-person again, but I suspect being able to attend from the comfort of all our living rooms increases attendance. This is the new world order that the pandemic created.

There was a lot of talk about the window replacement project coming up, which is going to be hugely disruptive but fantastic once it's done, and eliminating the countless air leaks in people's (including our) windows. Just getting the project off the ground seems to be taking an eternity. Shobhit has been on the Board for six years and finally stepped down as of last night—his was one of two positions opened, and there were only two people running, so that simplified the process. I guess Shobhit will continue to consult, so it's nice he'll be staying involved, but I think six years is plenty for him to have put in his time as a full Board member.

After that, once I finished a relatively brief phone call with Gabriel that cut out because his battery died, we watched three episodes of the 6th and then 7th seasons of Night Court. Exciting stuff.

— पांच हजार पांच सौ बयासी —


[posed 12:29 pm]