ready to launch


— पञ्चसहस्राणि पञ्चशतानि द्वानवतिः | —

Well, shit! I have a backlog of 23 photos tagged both "Easter" and "dlunused" (to indicate for future us as a Daily Lunch Update photo), and I totally spaced it. Dammit! I could have been burning through these for the past eight weekdays.

I'm going to go ahead and blame the fact that Easter is so early this year—this coming Sunday, March 31. If it were, say, April 14, I'd have a lot more time to realize I could have been doing this. Now, however, I'll take more pictures this coming weekend, and then wind up adding even more photos to that backlog for future years.

I sort of keep forgetting Easter is so close. I'm a little more focused on other things happening even sooner: Barbara arrives tomorrow—although of course I'm taking her to Olympia with me for Easter—and Shobhit leaves for India on Thursday. I get to drive to the airport and back two days in a row, hooray! And then again when I drop Barbara off Monday night.

Today is both Tuesday and my Friday. I decided to make my tea a London Fog even though I usually reserve that for Fridays. But I won't be working when it's actually Friday, I'm taking every day Barbara will be here off, which is tomorrow through Monday.

And, of course, a lot going on. After we drop Shobhit off at the airport Thursday, we're having Happy Hour with Laney for dinner. I'm not sure yet what Barbara and I will do on either Friday or Monday; one of those days I want to take her on the Seattle Great Wheel, which opened in 2012, a year after she was last here. (I texted her a while ago if she'd let me take her on it; she said yes, she would just make sure she doesn't eat right beforehand.)

— पञ्चसहस्राणि पञ्चशतानि द्वानवतिः | —

Okay so how about an update on how I'm feeling?

I felt incredibly better yesterday morning than I had on Sunday. I still felt way better than Sunday all day yesterday, although how much better I felt kind of gradually waned through the day—I had really wanted to go to a movie last night, but definitely made the right decision not to. By later last night, I was feeling pretty good again, but with the typical progression of a cold making me cough more.

I woke up fairly congested again this morning. Taking cold meds has really helped. At the office, I am actually coughing very little. It's nothing like Shobhit's cough. I was really hoping it would all just be gone by the time we were to meet up with Laney on Thursday, and that seems somewhat iffy right now. So we'll see.

I suppose if I have to have a cold at all, it's better now than later, so at the very least I hope I'll be fully back to normal by the time I'm going to Lopez Island the weekend after next.

— पञ्चसहस्राणि पञ्चशतानि द्वानवतिः | —


— पञ्चसहस्राणि पञ्चशतानि द्वानवतिः | —

I just had my Zoom lunch with Karen, originally scheduled for Friday but, as I am taking that day off from work, we rescheduled it for today.

Nothing all that momentous to report that we talked about. She caught me up on her long recovery having to stay at home most of the time due to breaking her hip, and how she's got a pretty bad case of cabin fever. She's been told she won't be able to drive herself again for eight to twelve weeks, and she's hoping she can make it eight; Dave or Anita have been able to take her on short drives to places. But, it'll be another month or so before she can go very far again, even in a car.

She was in pretty good spirits otherwise today, though, and enjoyed hearing me update her on how this week, for me, is basically launching a social extravaganza of events stretching through the beginning of May: Barbara and Easter in Olympia this weekend; Lopez Island the following weekend; Jennifer and Matthew visiting the weekend after that; my Birth Week at the end of April. I'm still trying to decide whether or not I'll have any way to incorporate Karen into my Birth Week this year. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't.

In the meantime, I still have plenty to get done before I sign out of my work computer today, with no intention of returning for the next six days.

— पञ्चसहस्राणि पञ्चशतानि द्वानवतिः | —


[posted 1:06 pm]