My Threads

  • Fri, 07:49: I meant to post this yesterday: back when Barbara lived in Seattle, between 2000 and 2010, we often went to the movies together multiple times weekly.

    The last time we saw a movie together was “Death at a Funeral” in April 2010.

    Back then, this was the Landmark Metro Cinemas.

    (Barbara only looks like she’s scowling because we’re facing the sun.)
  • Fri, 14:54: Picnic lunch & stroll (maybe a third of the way) around Green Lake!
  • Fri, 16:27: On his way to visit his mother in India, Shobhit had a nine-hour layover today in Doha, Qatar, where his sister lives. His sister's family clearly went all out to show Shobhit a good time around the city during his short visit there, in a city with a metropolitan population of roughly 2.4 million (over 80% of Qatar's entire population). Shobhit sent me a whole bunch of photos he took there, many of them of the city skyline, which I had never seen before. I'm very impressed, find it to be a beautiful skyline, and I love how colorful it is.
  • Fri, 21:26: The Seattle Great Wheel opened in 2012, a year after Barbara moved away from Seattle—so of course I had to take her on it!