consumption, redux


— पांच हजार पांच सौ अस्सी —

I keep coming to work intent on limiting my food intake, and then something like this happens: there was a meeting of Deli Managers at the office today, and when I went into the kitchen for my lunch break, there was a stack of leftover pizzas. Now, I know it was everything in my power not to have any . . . but I had three slices.

And then? When I was done with the pizza, which I ate while reading my library book in the office dining room, I came back to the kitchen counter island where foods are often left out for staff to take—now the pizzas had been replaced with about half a dozen small pies! I had a slice of blackberry and a slice of apple. In my defense, they were very small slices!

— पांच हजार पांच सौ अस्सी —

I'm also posting later than usual today because I had very little time this morning to work on a draft of this post. I had my quarterly doctor appointment this morning, so I could get the required doctor appointment, get a throat swab and get the routin STI screenings. Shobhit was saying this morning that I don't need to do an appointment every three months, even though the doctor says I have to: "You can just cancel the appointment," he said. Well, except, to put it delicately, I definitely needed a throat swab and I can't do that myself.

I didn't get to work until around 9:45, and I'm usually here at 7:30. I later had my weekly 1x1 over Teams with Gabby at 11:30, and we ran over a couple of minutes, because the solid second half of the meeting we just talked about Dune Part Two—which she and Nick saw on Saturday; she is eager to see it again; and I will be seeing it a third time on Tuesday next week.

— पांच हजार पांच सौ अस्सी —


— पांच हजार पांच सौ अस्सी —

So what about last night then? Not much to report, really. Shobhit had a Tech for Housing meeting to attend at the Beacon Hill library, and he chose to walk there and back, to get his steps in. He was gone by the time I walked home from work, and I spent a good portion of the evening working on not one, but two video projects.

One of them I had thought was already done, but I realized later that there was a last tweak I wanted to make, which resulted in several other tweaks I had to make in order for the music track already added to still work, and then I had to re-export it. And then, kind of on a whim, I decided on another one I want to work on. I really enjoy this stuff though so even though it's very time consuming I like working on it.

Shobhit did call me briefly on his way back home, asking if I'd want to come and pick him up, as it was cold out. He heard my half-grunt clearly signifying I wasn't super interested in that, and immediately let it go, which was nice. As I said to him, I was already in my pajamas.

Once he did get home, he had DVRed Biden's State of the Union speech, which I watched a lot of whith him. We were both pretty struck by it—the man was on fire. Anyone hung up on his age needs to get a different hobby, especially considering Former President Fuckwit is all of four years younger. All things being equal (which they aren't), I would sure like a younger President myself, but these are the choices we've got, and the difference could not be more stark.

Anyway I guess I'll get back to work now.

— पांच हजार पांच सौ अस्सी —


[posted 1:00 pm]