the silence of the vendors


— पञ्चसहस्राणि पञ्चशतानि पञ्चनवति च —

What a nuts morning I had at work today. Multiple items needing immediate batching to stores, contract revisions needed from multiple brokers, errors on a new item form from a vendor, at least two among all these people repeatedly and inexplicably misunderstanding what I emailed them with the same clarity I have always communicated with, resulting in multiple email replies re-explaining what should have been clear from the start. I was dealing with all these things simultaneously, and then got a text asking me to join a Teams call I forgot I was scheduled to attend.

It may not necessarily sound excessive that I sent out 34 emails in the three hours between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m., except for the amount of calculations, spreadsheet copying and pasting, and repeated, detailed written explanations I had to do. What a pain in the ass.

On the upside, I get paid well. Still, my brain hurts. I'm now even more grateful than before that I am taking tomorrow off, and will be on Lopez Island for the weekend.

— पञ्चसहस्राणि पञ्चशतानि पञ्चनवति च —

Speaking of which, quick update on my bike: I did manage to leave work an hour early yesterday, which gave me plenty of time to take my bike from home over to 20/20 Cycle, and get my front tire tube replaced.

This tube has a different pump valve, and that seems to have been, I learned from the guys at the bike shop, my issue when I snapped the valve in half on the old tire two weeks ago. This is something you have to unscrew part of the way before air will come in or out—and that's after unscrewing the cap; I'm not talking about the cap here. I was totally unaware of that two weeks ago, which would explain the portable pump seeming to get stuck on it, and then the valve snapping when I tried to wrench it free.

Hopefully I remember this going forward.

I was just relieved that they were able to fix it immediately, I only had to wait about ten minutes, and then I was able to ride the bike home with it totally fixed.

I really thought about riding to work today. But, it was only 41° this morning. Fuck that, I don't want to freeze riding my bike through air that cold. I'll still bring the bike with me to Lopez Island, where I'm not likely to ride until it's around 50° anyway. It'll still be chilly, but that's better than 41°

— पञ्चसहस्राणि पञ्चशतानि पञ्चनवति च —


— पञ्चसहस्राणि पञ्चशतानि पञ्चनवति च —

So last night was Action Movie Night, one of two that Shobhit will be missing while he's in India. A guy named Tom got his first-ever opportunity to choose the movie. He shared to the group beforehand that it was his all-time favorite movie, which made me very interested in what it was.

It was The Silence of the Lambs, an excellent choice—being 33 years old, it holds up astoundingly well, at least in terms of plotting, pacing, tension, and especially performances. Its approach to trans identity is a different story entirely, making this one of those deeply problematic movies that many of us continue loving in spite of how problematic it is. This remains the most recent of only three movies in history to win all five of the five biggest Academy Awards: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Screenplay.

Even with Shobhit not there, we had 10 people at Action Movie Night last night: Tony, Jake, Ben, Ryan, Chris B, Chris G, Derek, Daniel, Tom, and myself.

Getting to 20/20 Cycle as early as I did, I had plenty of time to make a dish to bring to the potluck before the movie (no one else there ever calls it a "potluck," but that's what it is). I made pasta, and to the pasta sauce I added sauteed red onion, green onion, celery, and a sample from work called "mushroom crumble," a ground beef veggie substitute. It was very tasty, I got complimented on it at the potluck (by Tom in particular), and it was unusually popular: I'd say a fifth of the total I made, at best, was left when the night was over. It'll provide me with an easy dinner to eat tonight, after I get home from Book Club, where I only plan to buy a hot chocolate.

— पञ्चसहस्राणि पञ्चशतानि पञ्चनवति च —


[posted 12:31 pm]