a walk in the park


— पांच हजार छह सौ तेरह —

I went for a walk with Shobhit again last night. Yet another Social Review point for him! Now he's got 9 so far this quarter, Laney has 10. He'll be up to 10 after tonight. Laney will go up to 11 tomorrow, and Shobhit may or may not as well, depending on whether he joines for either of the double feature movies I'm watching with Laney and Alexia in the Braeburn Condos theater. I have another movie scheduled with Laney on Monday. In fact, based on current schedule alone, Laney will have at least 20 points on the next Social Review.

I should note, also, that Shobhit and I finally booked our hotel for our anniversary trip to Toronto next month. The total for four nights there was a bit more than we wanted to spend—about $964—but, otherwise we got everything we wanted out of it: location in the Church-Wellesley neighborhood (Toronto's gay neighborhood); a kitchenette; the possibility of a room on a relatively high floor (it's a 27-story building). It's also about four blocks from the nearest Metro station; we'll take the train that goes directly downtown from the airport, then transfer at Union Station to a second train for the last three stops to our station destination, Wellesley Station. Google Maps says this stretch takes eight minutes, which seems like a lot for a merely one-and-a-half-mile stretch on a subway but whatever.

Anyway! Counting travel days, the trip to Toronto will alone garner Shobhit six Social Review points. That's 16 points total as scheduled by the time I post the next Social Review, which may be 4 fewer than Laney at the moment but I see no reason why Shobhit won't make up for that shortfall organically in the meantime. It's just not currently scheduled.

— पांच हजार छह सौ तेरह —


— पांच हजार छह सौ तेरह —

Okay so, back to the walk. Shobhit wanted to get his steps in. He asked if I wanted to go for a walk as soon as I got home, in fact, and I was like, "I just rode my bike home." We dished ourselves some leftover ramen dinner, and then we sat down to catch up on season 3 of Hacks on Max: the first two episodes actually premiered on Thursday last week, which was my Birth Week so there was no time to watch. We could have watched them Wednesday night, if not for the planned power outage starting at 5:00. So, we watched them last night—followed directly by episodes 3 and 4, which were released yesterday.

Two hours of solid entertainment. Shobhit and I both remarked on how incredibly well written that show is. Even more impressive given it's season 3, and it's as well written as it ever was.

Once that was done, I was rested more than well enough to go for a walk. We walked north on 15th Avenue, walked around Volunteer Park, and came back. It was about a two and a half mile walk round trip, nothing too excessive. My recorded steps yesterday were at 9,289 (bearing in mind that I cycled to work and back, so no "steps" there). Shobhit had already gone on another long walk earlier—he had Wednesday through Friday off of work this week—so his steps yesterday exceeded 16,000 before we even got back home.

I washed dishes after we got back. Shobhit started looking up Toronto hotels. Eventually I got my own laptop to do my own searches, and after a little while, we mutually came to the decision. So, now both flights and hotel are all set. I'm very excited. It's barely more than a month away!

I really wanted a significant trip to celebrate 20 years together—our first date was in 2004. I'll want to get out of town next year, but unless Shobhit inexplicably gets other ideas between now and then, I'll advocate for something much simpler and more local, maybe another short trip to Portland or something.

— पांच हजार छह सौ तेरह —

I also just had my biweekly Zoom lunch with Karen—which I nearly forgot about! I just saw her in person on Monday last week after all, so that sort of got me off track with that; it had been rescheduled from what otherwise would have been a Zoom lunch from work the previous Friday.

I spent a lot of time telling her about my packed plans for the next week and a half, mostly movies with a few other things. Including a SIFF movie she and I will be seeing together, actually, on Tuesday—a documentary about a wheelchair user. She was the one who suggested it.

I'd tell you more about the conversation but I've got five minutes until a meeting now and I really need to pee.

— पांच हजार छह सौ तेरह —


[posted 12:56 pm]