riding extra


— पांच हजार छह सौ अठारह —

I had a dentist appointment this morning. I did not remember this until I got to work, after having ridden my bike all the way here. I came in, said hello to Noah, and he said, "I thought you weren't coming in this morning?"

I said: "Fuuuck!"

He asked what it was I forgot, and I said, a dentist appointment. I then pulled my phone out of my pocket: "Do I have time to go back?" Actually, I did—just: I got here at 7:30, the appointment was at 8:00. Having my bike with me was the single way this was going to work, with the possible exception of getting on a #8 bus, but that would be dependent on when the bus came.

I rode my bike all the way back up the hill, as Fresh Smile Seattle is on 12th Avenue E. I got there with like five minutes to spare.

And then, a fun little experience with the hygienist: I was telling her about having ridden all the way to work only to ride back just in time for the appointment, and she asked where I work. When I told her PCC, she got very excited: "My boyfriend loves PCC," she said. "He won't eat anywhere else."

He loves us so much, apparently, she even recently emailed PCC to ask if we have any PCC swag for sale, like branded T-shirts, etc. I mentioned this to Noah when I got back again (riding my bike to work a second time this morning), and he noted that some people have been trying to get PCC to do this for decades; he's certain such items would sell well. It remains unclear why we are not doing it now, and apparently haven't ever—I have a couple of PCC T-shirts, actually (which I never wear, truth be told), but they were made for staff. My hygienist said she got a response saying we don't currently sell such items but hope to sometime soon.

I wanted to menton that at least we do sell PCC branded tote bags, but she had her fingers in my mouth, so I had to wait. She then mentioned it herself. Her hope had been to buy a bunch of PCC swag—"That would have really made him happy"—and gifted it all in a PCC tote bag. Makes sense.

It was fun to encounter someone with so much enthusiasm for the place I work for, at least. She said she's from Indiana and they'll be visiting her family there soon. "I had to tell him, 'There's no PCC there,'" she said. "He said, 'I won't eat.'" Ha.

— पांच हजार छह सौ अठारह —


— पांच हजार छह सौ अठारह —

In other news, I saw my fourth SIFF movie of the year last night, this one at Pacific Place. It was a documentary about Ismail Merchant and James Ivory, called—you guessed it!—Merchant Ivory.

I liked it fine. It made me much more interested in watching (or re-watching) movies they made in the eighties and nineties.

The thing that struck me the most about the experience of just watching the documentary last night was how many older queer people were in the audience. I would have to start including myself in that, I suppose, although a lot of the people at this creening were legit elderly.

The screening was at 6:00, at Pacific Place. I rode home and had just enough time to feed Tachi, the cat I'm taking care of on the second floor, and then make myself a sandwich to go. I ate it during the movie, which I rode my bike back down to (I recently discovered the bike racks in the Pacific Place parking garage, which I find much more secure than locking my bike on a rack out on the sidewalk). There was a Q & A at the end with the director, which I actually found fairly interesting. But, I still left in the middle of it because it was now past 8:00 and I needed the time to write my review.

I rode my bike back home again, and writing the review was, indeed, how I spent most of the rest of my evening. Except when Shobhit got home around 9:00 he decided to make some of the only hot chocolate we still have left, a Mexican hot chocolate that is way spicier than I would like but I drank some anyway. Drowning it in vegan marshmallows helps.

— पांच हजार छह सौ अठारह —

I am now posting this a bit later than usual because I had my work computer upgraded to Windows 11, which took way longer than the "twenty minutes" the email from IT said it would take. First it took a full hour just to load the updates before applying them, at which point my computer shut down without warning. Then it applied the updates while restarting a couple of times, and that alone took another good 45 minutes. Boy, I'm getting a lot of work done today!

I have to use a remote desktop in order for HQ, the item maintenance system I use, to work correctly anyway. There's no difference in this remote environment, no updates here. What a great ROI this has been.

— पांच हजार छह सौ अठारह —


[posted 12:56 pm]