

— पांच हजार छह सौ पच्चीस —

Last night was Action Movie Night, but Shobhit has evening work shifts every night this week between Wednesday and Saturday—oh no, a Social Review point opportunity lost! After seeing a movie with Laney on Tuesday, she and Laney are tied at 17 points each for spring thus far. Laney will get another point on Saturday (18), another potentially on Tuesday (19) but that one's iffy because it doesn't look like that movie has been released locally yet; and another (20) for Happy Hour on Saturday the 8th. But! Then Shobhit and I leave for Toronto on the 11th, and for that trip he'll get six points, taking him up to 23. Laney might get another point on the 20th, which means by the 21st when I post the next Social Review, they will likely have 23 points for Shobhit and 21 for Laney. It'll be close but Shobhit should still come out ahead.

What a relief!

Anyway, let's talk about who was at Action Movie Night last night. There were eight of us: Tony, Jake, Ben, Ryan, Chris G, Derek, Daniel, and myself.

I ate a ridiculous amount of food. Sometimes the food Shobhit and I bring is the only vegetarian option, but not often. Most of the others are conscious enough of our vegetarianism that there are usually one or more other vegetarian options available for us. This time, there was even more than usual—and when that happens, and especially when they go out of their way to let me know it's vegetarian, I feel obligated to eat some of it.

Ben brought two to-go dishes from some restaurant, one of them a stir fried rice. Chris brought a pizza with kalamata olives that was fantastic. Daniel brought a veggie lasagna that he baked partly in the Community Kitchen oven and then microwaved to get heated through the center before too much time was passed. All this was in addition to the kind of Indian-spiced stir fried rice with deep fried tofu and black beans and corn and other sauteed vegetables that Shobhit had made before he left for work. At least three other people had some of Shobhit's rice, but it did not get eaten to nearly the degree that the pastas we more typically bring do.

We have a lot of that rice left at home, it'll cover our meals for another couple of days at least. I took the smaller covered ceramic dish filled with it to the kitchen, and not even half of it got consumed. When I poured what was left of that back into the large pot on the stove in our condo, it still looked like a full pot. I particularly like the dish just because of the tofu in it, and tonight I'll be able to make it even tastier with some of the peanut sauce I have at home.

— पांच हजार छह सौ पच्चीस —


— पांच हजार छह सौ पच्चीस —

It was Jake's turn to choose a movie, and he has a lot of horror movies in his choice history, so I wasn't that surprised to find it was a movie called Possessor. Rather than being about demon possession, however, it turned out to be a Brandon Cronenberg (son of David) movie about assassins taking over the consciousness of other people to carry out their kills.

I was relieved it wasn't another movie about demon possession, but I still didn't really like it. I spent a lot of time looking at my phone, honestly.

The next Action Movie Night, two weeks from now, will be one of very few that both Shobhit and I will miss. This hasn't happened since it landed on our anniversary last year and we went out for dinner instead. This one will be two days removed from our anniversary, but we'll still be on our anniversary trip that day, in Toronto.

— पांच हजार छह सौ पच्चीस —


[posted 12:32 pm]