project complete


— पांच हजार छह सौ छब्बीस —

I'm nearly to a point of being caught up at work, finally. And the UAT (user acceptance testing) we had scheduled for next week, which was also going to fuck up my work load, has now been postponed a few weeks. That's going to make a huge difference, and is leaving me breathing a sight of relief for the comparative comfort with my work load between now and when Shobhit and I leave for Toronto late the evening of June 11.

Tomorrow is the first day of Pride Month, and that's being kicked off with Pride in the Park at Volunteer Park. Laney and I are going together. We'll see if, by the end of summer, I'll have the same number of Pride-related photo albums collected for the year as I did in 2022 and in 2023; there were eight each, with just slight variation of what the events were between the two. At the moment I should have at least five by the end of June, another by the middle of July and another by the end of August, plus the requisite "Random Hot Guys" album I always do. That should indeed amount to eight again, it really depends on whether I make it back to Tacoma Pride in July again. I really want to.

It's been a few weeks since I checked the events page at, and—hey! There's a Pride Art Walk in Pioneer Square on Thursday next week! That's potentiall yet another photo album. I'm going to add that to my calendar.

— पांच हजार छह सौ छब्बीस —


— पांच हजार छह सौ छब्बीस —

Anyway. Shobhit had a work shift last night. I had no movie to go see. I actually won't again until Sunday and there's just the one, foreign film I'm going to see at the AMC 10 in the U District that afternoon, for the next week of movie releases. Nothing big opened this weekend, which is odd. Laney and I really wanted to see Robot Dreams on Tuesday, but even though anywhere a release date is noted it says May 31, it is not playing anywhere locally. It's fucking annoying. I actually emailed the distributor this morning to ask about it, though I have little faith that I'll get anything out of that. We'll see though; Former President Fuckwit was convinced of 34 felony crimes yesterday so sometimes good things actually happen.

I finished my video project last night, so I can now tell you what it was: the video project for Gabriel and Lea's wedding. Its final runtime was 33:34. This means I can't upload it to Flickr until I break it up into four separate parts, because Flickr has a 10-minute limit on videos.

I decided to take a risk and try uploading it to YouTube, even though I really thought that music licensing would block it from uploading, or strip it of some of its sound—an issue I have run into many times on YouTube in the past. To my genuine surprise, it loaded just fine! And I used something like nine different copyrighted songs in that video, so all I can think now, honestly, is that music labels have gotten less litigious as the music industry has evolved, or something.

Two of the tracks did get flagged. But all that happened was a notice that they would be blocked in certain countries. I can check which ones, too: Belarus and Russia. Like I care, fuck those guys. I only want the people I sent the link to to be able to watch it!

Anyway. It's not a public video, but anyone with the direct URL link can watch it. I emailed it to Gabriel and Lea (who are in Sardinia on their honeymoon right now), plus those in Gabriel's wedding party: Andy, Garret, Brian, and Mandy. I don't think any of them have watched it yet, which makes sense as it was later yesterday evening when I sent it out. I might get some feedback sometime over the weekend. I'm quite proud of it regardless; I did a kind of creative editing I have never done before.

I did also send it to Laney, as I had told her about it while I was working on it. She wasn't even there and she seemed very much to enjoy it. "This came out so well!" she said, also complimenting the lightsaber sound effects I added (which could have been better but are still fun).

— पांच हजार छह सौ छब्बीस —

I watched an episode of Jerrod Carmichael Reality Show, which made me uncomfortable with its unflinching look at what a bad friend he is. Yeesh. Shobhit didn't get home from work until past 9:45, but I didn't want to wait to watch the season finale of Hacks so we watched that. That show is so, so good. And the final devious twist at the end was absolutely delicious.

— पांच हजार छह सौ छब्बीस —


[posted 12:34 pm]