the movie guy


— पांच हजार छह सौ ग्यारह —

Hmm what can I tell you today? Not a whole lot, which is fine by me, I had so much shit to write every day for ten days over my Birth Week!

I walked straight downtown yesterday after work to meet up with Laney at Pacific Place. We went to see The Fall Guy. It was both undeniably entertaining and somehow also not quite fully what I wanted it to be. Laney left the theater enthusing about how "delightful" she thought it was, and a lot of it was indeed that. I gave it a solid B. My chief complaint was that it was too long. Two hours and six minutes is kind of ridiculous for what is otherwise a light action comedy—and had they shaved like half an hour off, or at the very least twenty minutes, it would have been a lot tighter and then offered a lot more laughs per minute (LPM). As it was I laughed out loud maybe, I don't know, every ten minutes? Maybe I'm a diva for thinking it should have been at a faster clip.

The showtime was at 5:30. The requisite endless trailers meant the movie didn't even start rolling the credits until around 8:00. Laney is a slow walker these days and we walked home together, which got me home at 8:45 or so. It was another hour before I had my review written and posted.

— पांच हजार छह सौ ग्यारह —


— पांच हजार छह सौ ग्यारह —

The Fall Guy was the first movie I went to since Monday last week—a rare instance of seeing a movie during my official Birth Week (I also saw that with Laney; completely different genre notwithstanding, Challengers is a far better film). By this time last year, I had seen and reviewed 25 films. And here I was somehow thinking I was behind that this year—I'm actually way ahead of last year! Yesterday was the 36th time I've gone to the movies so far this year. That does include two movies I reviewed streaming at home, but even if I excluded those I'd still be way ahead. I had no idea.

I bought my SIFF "cinematic six-pack" yesterday and scheduled all my six SIFF movies, on top of regular release movies I already plan to see this month. I counted this morning and by the end of the month I'm scheduled to have seen and reviewed 13 movies—at which time my total for the year to date will be 49. At the end of May last year I was at 36, so I'm still way ahead. I get the feeling now that I will break 100 this year; I only managed 95 last year.

That's basically my agenda for May, I guess: movies, movies, movies. My next Braeburn Condos Theater double feature is on Saturday: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and War for the Planet of the Apes, which will again be with both Laney and Alexia. The three of us as of this morning are officially booked to see Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes at Pacific Place on Monday.

And: damn, next week is a movie every day all week. SIFF screenings on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Regular release movies on Monday and Friday. And then Action Movie Night at the Braeburn theater is on Wednesday. That's six movie reviews I'll be writing next week alone. It gets a little more spaced out after that.

— पांच हजार छह सौ ग्यारह —


[posted 1:09 pm]