My Threads

  • Thu, 09:33: Businesses all over Toronto are displaying Pride flags and colors, usually the Progress Pride version with the Black and Brown stripes as well as the light blue, pink and white stripes of Trans Pride added. It’s similar to when we were in Sydney for Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, with countless businesses eager to declare their support publicly during Pride Month, basically saying “We love the queers! We’re thrilled to accept their money!”

    To be clear: I love it. This is also our first trip to Canada with a phone plan that has no international fees for texts or calls; between that and how swiftly we got through customs, it barely feels like we’re even in another country. Except, of course, for the whole Pride vibe: it’s distinctly more comfortably celebratory and inclusive here, particularly outside the boundaries of the historically queer neighborhood we’re staying in—although even there we’ve got pointedly inclusive messaging, as with a Trans Pride crosswalk or Trans Pride painted park benches.
  • Thu, 13:22: Crossing the Rainbow Bridge! 🌈🌁🇨🇦🇺🇸
  • Thu, 19:36: Day trip to Niagara Falls today, and Shobhit had the time of his life! Rarely is he seen having so much fun—and we both had a blast.