

— पांच हजार छह सौ तैंतीस —

Oh my god, what a morning. As expected, I had more than 300 unread emails when I got to work today, and what free time I have had to focus on that, that's all I've done. But, I also had an hour meeting between 9 and 10, then a meeting that was scheduled for half an hour at 10:00 that got stretched to an hour, finishing at 11:00. The 9:00 meeting actually ended shortly after 9:30 so I had just under half an hour break in the middle of that. Still, I got to work at 7:30 and only had about ninety minutes to sift through the emails, during which time I discovered a mistake from before I left last week that had to do with ad copy, and I had to identify and send several corrections to Amy, who coordinates with Marketing with publishing the ad copy. I had to have that done by noon, and only barely got that done in that half-hour break in the middle of the two meetings.

I still have 259 unread emails. I have this system down when I come back after a break, where I do a heirarchical search by name to identify the most pressing emails I need to look at: first I search for emails from Gabby (my manager); then Kevin (who sends me the most emails with new item setup or putting things on clearance); then Noah and then Frank (the two Grocery Merchandisers); then Amy, Amanda and Cathryn (who are typically my backups when I am out, although Cathryn had to hold down the fort for pretty much all of us for three days last week while all the Merchandiserds as well as Amanda were in Chicago for a trade show). I have gotten as far as searching emails from Amy, which means I still haven't gotten to whatever stuff I might still need to attend to that Cathryn could not do for me in my absence last week.

Speaking of Frank, he was copied on one of my travelogue emails for the first time last night, and he actually responded with some very nice words:

This was inspiring. Loved reading about your journey.
Thank you for sharing.

Inspiring? That's a strong word, but hey, I'm glad he enjoyed it! I felt a little bad that the first one he got was an unusually long one: nearly 5,200 words. I'm really hoping I can significantly scale down the photo caption text when I send out the email for Pride after two weekends from now.

— पांच हजार छह सौ तैंतीस —


— पांच हजार छह सौ तैंतीस —

There's not much else to catch you up on today, as yesterday morning was sucked up by going to three stores for grocery shopping with Shobhit—much of it amassing supplies for having Gabby and her husband Nick over for dinner on Friday—and going to a movie (which I haven't even had time to write the review for yet) and, by far the most significantly, finishing up that travelogue for last week's anniversary trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls with Shobhit. I was finally able to send out the email just before 8:00, and then had to whip up the html version I could use to post here on this blog, which I finished maybe an hour later. Shobhit and I had time to watch Sunday's episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, which was a genuinely frightening look at what we'd be facing with a second term of President Fuckwit; I washed the dishes from the dinner made by Shobhit (kidney beans and rice with tortillas); and then I went to bed.

I'd probably have plenty more to say about the trip if I really thought about it, but I don't particularly have the time for it. I really went on enough in the travelogue I already posted. The movie I saw yesterday was Inside Out 2, which was predictably not as good as the first one but I still really liked. But, I deprioritized writing the review because it was more important to me to get the travelogue finished, on the buffer day I had also taken off of work after the trip. I can't even imagine where I'd be if I had actually gone to work yesterday, I'd be so far behind. Sheesh! Taking yesterday off was definitely the right choice. I'll write the movie review at home tonight, really the last evening this week I actually have free. (Under normal circumstances I might have actually written it while at work, but today I just have way too much to do.)

Gabriel sent out the professional photos from the wedding that he and Lea finally got, but they were sent out after I went to bed. I still also need to look at those. Gabriel did post a good number of photos from their honeymoon in Europe, which was really fun to click through this morning while I was eating my cereal.

— पांच हजार छह सौ तैंतीस —


[posted 12:31 pm]