My Threads

  • Sun, 12:12: All I can think about that dipshit gunman is how he wasted his own life just to hand a giant gift to the Trump campaign, which is going to milk this event for all it's worth, not just for the next four months but for the rest of that man's life.

    It should be stressed that this would be no better had the gunman succeeded, which would only have made Trump a martyr. He's already being made an even bigger hero in the eyes of millions. And how is that helping anyone? What the fuck did that kid think he was accomplishing? He may have only sealed the darkest fate for our country in this election, and to say I am feeling dispirited about it all is an understatement.
  • Sun, 17:24: Ping Pong #HappyHour! In a small-block park in front of the Bullitt Center, a block from our condo.