My Threads

  • Sat, 19:38: Another Seattle Architecture Tour this morning: “Modern Beauty and the Pedestrian Experience” (Part 1)
  • Sat, 19:40: Another Seattle Architecture Tour this morning: “Modern Beauty and the Pedestrian Experience” (Part 2)
  • Sat, 23:06: Walking back from this morning’s architecture tour, Alexia and I passed a residential skyscraper called Cirrus that had a sandwich board outside the entrance with a QR code for a self-guided tour. Whaaat! It took a ridiculous number of steps to get inside—downloading an app, signing up for an account, getting a tour fob and key from the lobby desk—but I was very dedicated and got us inside.

    The tour took us to the spectacular 41st-floor rooftop terrace, and to three different staged units, on the 29th, 22nd, and 7th floors.

    I could make a new hobby out of this!