keeping entertained


— पांच हजार छह सौ चवालीस —

Short update today, which is just as well because I am kind of slammed at work, made no better by the fact that I will be out of office on Thursday for a day trip to Organic Valley Farms in Chehalis. But, no matter! I'm fucking going on that tour. I love suppiler tours and it's been a little while, the last one being Wilcox Family Farms last summer—which we get to do again next month! I'm just doing my best with time management here.

I left work 15 minutes early yesterday to take myself to the 4:30 showing of MaXXXine, which was . . . not as good as I wanted it to be.

I didn't quite realize this character is appearing in the third film of a trilogy. I knew of the existence of X and Pearl but never bothered to see them. This one stands on its own pretty successfully, as a very different concept and premise, but I realize now that the very few bits of flashbacks Maxine experiences must have been from a previous film. Whatever. I don't think having seen the earlier films would have made this one any better. Letterboxs user reviews indicate a lot of people who did see the other movies still similarly disappointed in this one.

— पांच हजार छह सौ चवालीस —


— पांच हजार छह सौ चवालीस —

I rode my bike home, straight up the hill from Pacific Place. It was somewhere around 90° at the time. Blech. At least I got to break up my commute with the movie. This afternoon it'll be 89° as I ride the entire way home. The past two nights in a row, not only have Shobhit and I slept without any blanket on the bed, we even slept on top of the top sheet. I am more than ready for the weather to get cooler again. Our highs aren't even predicted to get below 80° until Monday next week. Fuck this shit!

I actually read my library book for a bit last night. For about a minute, I thought I had finally finished Dune. Then I realized there are still several pages of "Appendices" to get through. Shit. Oh well; I love being in this universe so much, I hope to read the second book soon. I never would have expected to want to do that, even when I started this book. But this one really grabbed me in a way few books do. Also, I don't have my next book lined up yet. Maybe I should stop by the library on my way home tonight. It'll be interesting to see what it's like in there while they have get to get back online after their ransomware attack, which has been very convenient for me as my book is now more than a month overdue. The less convenient part is that I cannot manage the many other titles I have long had on reservation but with the reservations on hold.

— पांच हजार छह सौ चवालीस —


[posted 12:32 pm]