another monday


— पांच हजार छह सौ सत्तावन —

Back to the standard, short Tuesday update after Monday's Daily Lunch Update (DLU) covering everything over the weekend. Which is fine by me! I've been swamped with shit to do all morning, although I'm feeling unusually accomplished at the moment. Yesterday morning it took two hours just to get through the weekend's emails, and then further emails that came in while I was working, all of which required action—I could have felt super behind after that, but miraculously, I'm feeling pretty good at the moment. Good thing I'm not superstitious so I have no concerns about jinxing it!

— पांच हजार छह सौ सत्तावन —


— पांच हजार छह सौ सत्तावन —

Yesterday was relatively uneventful otherwise. I rode my bike to work and back home. Shobhit had kidney beans and a salad-based dish ready for dinner (I made rice and just had the beans, with a baked frozen naan from Trader Joe's). Shobhit and I watched an episode of season 2 of Interview with the Vampire, then we went to Costco to do some shopping, which including picking up a couple of things for the Family Vacation this weekend. We drove back, and watched one more episode of Interview with the Vampire, which was quite excellent. The show is actually making me consider re-reading the original novel, which I only read back in the late nineties, and then never ready any more in the series. (Actually I started The Vampire Lestat and discarded it because I thought it was dumb. I would be willing to give it another chance after all this time.)

That about sums it up. I did take the bus today rather than cycling, for two reasons: my nerve pain in my arm, while slowly improving, could use a break from the strain; and I'm meeting Laney for a movie at 5:00 and will be walking most of the way home with her anyway. Normally I would just bike to the theater and then walk the bike with her, but this way I won't have to push the bike up the hill with the state my arm is in.

I do think the daily back-stretching exercises the physical therapist gave me are helping, and that I merely started them too recently to prevent the nerve pain that began last week in earnest. If I keep up the exercises and the week or two of pain returns again in a few months like clockwork (this last happened at the end of April, though my Birth Week), then I will clearly need to see the physical therapist again. Let's hope not.

— पांच हजार छह सौ सत्तावन —


[posted 12:27 pm]