My Threads

  • Tue, 13:40: Goodbye, Tokeland! I wish we could have stayed longer!
  • Tue, 16:11: I feel like I just experienced a miracle.

    On our way home from DK Market, an Asian grocery store in Renton—13 miles and a 20-30 minute drive away, mind you—we heard a scratching sound on the roof of the car. Shobhit asked what that was, and as we were driving underneath some trees, I confidently respnded, "Just some branches."

    We were maybe ten blocks from home when it hit me. My keys were not in my pocket. I had set them on top of the car when I opened the back door to put grocery bags in the back seat, and I never remembered to grab them. That sound we had heard was my keys sliding off the roof, somewhere on a road not far from the grocery store.

    Shobhit thought they might still be on the car, and I thought: no chance. Pipe dream!

    We were at a stop light three blocks from home, and Shobhit just got out of the car quickly, went to the back—and there were my fucking keys! They had fallen into the sort of lip space between the trunk and the back window, and managed to stay there all this way.

    I could have been faced with getting a new key made for the condo; spending north of $100 to get a replacement key and electronic fob for building access; presumably getting a locksmith to remove the bike lock on my bike in our parking garage. I had never been more relieved about anything in my life.