moving on


— पांच हजार छह सौ साठ —

I am so behind today, on stuff I have to get done today. Stuff I should have worked on through the morning but other shit kept coming up. Good thing I have no plans tonight, I'll have to stay late if I need to. I still don't think I will need to. But the option is there, which I hestiate to call "comforting."

— पांच हजार छह सौ साठ —


— पांच हजार छह सौ साठ —

Thankfully there's not a huge amount to report on since yesterday, except that we had our biweekly Action Movie Night last night. Shobhit and I made afternoon tea-style cucumber sandwiches using the rest of the cream cheese mixed with chives and dill that we used for the Family Vacation this past weekend, and they went over very well. Chris G brought the vegetarian pizza he usually gets, and I had two and a half slices of it. His pizzas are always delicious.

We had 11 in attendance last night: Tony, Jake, Ben, Ryan, Chris G, Derek, Tom, Britne (pronounced "Britney"), Daniel, Shobhit, and myself.

It was Daniel's first choice for movie, and he chose a very good one: Prey, which I had been very impressed by when it came out on Hulu two years ago. They really should have released it theatrically. And it really holds up upon rewatch.

Our theater has 14 seats, which meant only 3 empty ones last night. Daniel had put his stuff in one of the seats in the back row, and Tom sat in the seat next to it. Daniel returned and told him, "I was going to sit in that seat, can I sit there?" Tom was incredibly chill about it and just got up and moved to a seat in the middle row, never indicating he gave it another thought. Were I in his position, I would have been incredibly annoyed by that. What I am saying is I am impressed by Tom, who is apparently not as petty as I am. I still think it was rude; saving even one seat is not really a thing here, let alone two.

But, I'm getting over it and moving on! It didn't even happen to me.

— पांच हजार छह सौ साठ —


[posted 12:26 pm]