this and that


Here's a bit of a postscript to last night's post about our Department Outing to Titanic: the Exhibition: what is now the first shot in my 36-shot photo album for the outing: a group shot of the vast majority of those of us in Merchandising who went.

We currently have 26 people in the department. 23 people were there yesterday, but there are only 21 people in the photo. I don't know where Benny and Cathryn were when the photo was taken. Maybe they had gone to the bathroom.

I can tell you, though, who everyone is in the shot, though, left to right: Peter, Justine, Brandy, Mackenzie, Adrienne, Robin, Elliott, Noah, Tracy, Michael, Leon, Gabby (standing in the back to my right and the most hidden person in the shot), me, Steven, Tristen (only visible as the side of her turned, blonde head), Amanda (also unfortuntely turned away from the camera), Dave, Kevin, Erik, Frank, and Tyler.

Three people did not come at all: Beth, Stephen (not to be confused with Steven), and Amy. My three-person "Pricing and Promotions Team" includes Gabby, and both Amy and me as her direct reports, but Amy did not go because she had just gone recently already.

Tracy had given his phone to a staffer at the Exhibition to take the photo for us. He told us he took several, but when I asked Tracy to send me the group shot, he only sent me this one, presumably because he felt it was the best of them. It's too bad that both Tristan and Amanda are turned away from the camera, but, oh well. I still really love the shot, which was why I wanted to include it here. I responded to Tracy's email this morning expressing how much I loved it. I said it's the kind of photo many of us will look at nostalgically decades from now.

— पांच हजार छह सौ पैंसठ —


— पांच हजार छह सौ पैंसठ —

Not much else to report from yesterday. Oh, but I did fail to mention in yesterday's post what I had done on Wednesday, which was take Light Rail with Laney to the U District AMC 10 to see Between the Temples, which I gave a solid B. I quite liked the performances, thought the story was fair, and hated the cinematography.

Anyway. A good portion of my evening last night was dedicated to processing the afternoon's photos, and then writing and posting about it. But then, Shobhit got home from work around 9:30, and we did an unusual thing and turned right around and headed out for some grocery shopping.

I had two different $10 off $50 coupons for PCC, and we went to both Greenlake Aurora—which I saw for the first time after the recent store-wide resets—and to Greenlake Village. We went to the Aurora store first because it's the only one that reliably sells the colors of ZuZu Luxe eyeliner I like, and I could burn $17 on one of those alone. We then cleaned them out of their four Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Breeze half gallons in the refrigerated case, which is on sale for $2.99. We got some Deli salad and some Zevia sodas to meet the $50 for the coupon.

We went over to Greenlake Village to get four more half gallons of th e almond milk; another Deli salad; and more 6-packs of Zeiva soda to meet the $50 there.

It was a bit after 10:30 by the time we got home. I immediately got ready for bed, was asleep by around 11:00, and I slept like a log, which for some reason I have done most nights this week. My alarm wakes me up at 5:30 a.m. and, with the sun not yet up at that time anymore, kind of stumble around to get to the bathroom and then to the kichen for my cereal.

— पांच हजार छह सौ पैंसठ —

I just had my weekly Zoom lunch with Karen, both of us speding an hour updating each other on the standard stuff. I told her many of my social plans for this and next weekend; she lamented that heir house being built in Tulalip has had another month delay, so they can't have their Thanksgiving there as she had hoped. And plenty more.

We just had a Zoom lunch last week but that one had been postponed from the previous week. Our next is the week after next, but during our call we rescheduled it from Friday 9/13 to Wednesday 9/11, because on Thursday that week she has to get her gall bladder removed. She's on a strict diet as a result of that issue right now, and we started the call with her giving kind of dirty looks to her own lunch, of vegetables and tzatziki wrapped in a tortilla.

Now I need to try and get some actual work done this afternoon. I keep forgetting Monday is Labor Day and I don't work that day!

— पांच हजार छह सौ पैंसठ —


[posted 1:10 pm]