

— पांच हजार सात सौ अड़सठ —

Shobhit met up with me when I got off work again yesterday. We didn't walk the waterfront this time. I needed to go to the library to return Children of Dune, which I finished yesterday, and pick up God Emperor of Dune. This will be the first time I read two Dune booksback to back.

So, we walked down to the Central Library. My book was not there. I discovered I made a mistake and had this set for pickup at the Capitol Hill branch library. Shit! On the upside, the library is open until 8:00 on Thursdays, which gave us plenty of time to take another walk over there later.

Shobhit wanted to take advantage of sunlight, so from the library we caught the RapidRide G line bus up Madison. Once we got home, we went back down to the p-patch and I helped him a little with removal and replacement of the fencing around one of his patches, where he planted a bunch of new seeds for the year.

— पांच हजार सात सौ अड़सठ —


— पांच हजार सात सौ अड़सठ —

We went up to the condo and I made chai, which we took in tumbler bottles to carry with us as we then walked to the Capitol Hill library. The book was there this time. I double checked all the rest of my holds this time: all the rest were correctly selected for pickup at the Central Library.

After we walked back home, we watched some TV: this week's episode of Severance, which was excellent; this week's episode of Abbott Elementary, delightful as always; and another episode of Bad Sisters. The second season of Bad Sisters is 8 episodes rather than 10 like the first season, and that leaves us with 5 to go. Shobhit was thinking last night that we might burn through all the rest of that one tonight, but now it's not likely: he wants to go to a Men in Leather event at a West Seattle bar tonight for about an hour. I think I'll go with him, what the hell, why not?

— पांच हजार सात सौ अड़सठ —


[posted 12:32pm]