My Threads

  • Wed, 08:55:
  • Wed, 14:41: It’s a pretty nondescript building—evidently converted from old apartments—but they put us on the 23rd floor (out of 26*) so I’m thrilled! *Our floor is labeled 24, out of “27”, but of course this building, built in 1971, skips floor 13.
  • Wed, 16:52: Our red eye landed at 7 this morning, we went straight to our hotel, and we dropped off our luggage for storage while we killed time until we could check in at 2:00.

    First on the agenda guided tour of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, because I have become a dork who wants to tour any state or provincial capitol building at every opportunity!

    We took the first guided tour available, at 9:30 this morning, and we were the only two people taking it. The tour guide was a young Filipino woman who was visibly perturbed when Shobhit assumed she was First Nation. Aside from that, she rattled through her script like someone who has recited it a million times.

    Anyway this was how we learned the building was built in 1893 but the West Wing was redone in marble after a 1909 fire destroyed it.