almost there

I keep forgetting to mention that I already paid for a year's service at the Squarespace site. It's way more expensive than a LiveJournal membership -- $144 per year versus $25 per year, although I suppose I could say $144 versus $50 per year, since I was paying for memberships at both
Anyway. These entries are going to come across as somewhat odd when read on the new site, but whatever. Just remember these were posted first on LiveJournal! And as for LiveJournal, this will almost certainly be the final DLU posted here (or there, depending on where you're looking at this). Twitter digests will keep coming because those are automatic. I guess the final post I put here otherwise, with a link to the new site, will need to be pinned so it’s always at the top of my feed.

Now I'm being strategic again about my eating. I skipped the bowl of cereal this morning at home; had an Old Fashioned doughnut when I got to work. And also two slices of blueberry streusel toast. And a handful of potato chips. Healthy stuff!
I just at a Zing Bar as a basic stand-in for lunch. There will be food available at our office "Happy Hour" to follow our "Town Hall" meeting at 3:00. I'll probably get half an hour at best to grab some of that food, but still, it's food that would otherwise wind up being needlessly extra if I had my normal meals. And I'll be going straight from that to Happy Hour with Laney. Actually I'm not sure if I'll be going home first or straight to Neon Taco on Broadway. It really depends on when I get out of the office today.
I volunteered to help set up for the meeting at 1:00. So I'll have little time for actual regular work for most of the afternoon. That suits me, really. I just finished the major thing with a hardline deadline that had to be done today, or else I would seriously be fucking myself over both next week and next month. We don't want that!
Do you remember me mentioning a short story I was working on? I actually started it on May 4. I finally finished it yesterday, after neglecting it for weeks. I'm pretty happy with it, even though it's quite short: all of five pages. I sent it to Laney though and she wrote back that she found it "riveting." Nice! And Laney never bullshits, either. That made me feel pretty damn good. She said she wants a sequel. I'm going to post a link to it later today.
I guess I should tell you what I did last night? When I came home from work I suggested to Shobhit that we go grocery shopping then, rather than waiting until the four hours between the two shifts he's working on Sunday. He's working two shifts tomorrow too, but has only one hour between those.
Grocery shopping has become quite the affair for us anymore, because we go to so many different places in service of getting the best prices. We first drove up to the Lynnwood Costco, and that took upwards of forty minutes because we left around 6:00. From there we went to a pet store in Lake City just so I could get the kitty litter I usually buy, but use the Chinook Book coupon for that store that was $5 off $30. Shobhit asked them to match Mud Bay's base price for the same item, though, and they did -- knocking a couple of bucks off of it. It's Amazing how much genuinely important stuff Shobhit gleans over, doesn't pay attention to, and forgets -- but if he finds out stores might do price matching, he never forgets that. Anyway, then we drove to the Greenlake Village PCC, and we even stopped at Trader Joe's before coming home, which is only like three blocks from there. We had so many tote bags full of groceries that we had to bring all the stuff upstairs in two rounds.
Between the travel for shopping, the shopping itself, and putting away all the groceries, all that took us nearly four hours. It was just about time for bed when we were all done. I barely got a couple of pages of my book read. I did decide to try this ghost pepper cheese sauce Shobhit wanted to get from PCC, though; we bought the tortilla chips from Trader Joe's. I took one bite and could not handle it -- quite the surprise; products like this are rarely as hot as advertised, which was the only reason I tried it. Maybe I should make note to avoid "ghost pepper" anything from now on. Shobhit was quite satisfied with it. I guess it's just as well, though: I didn't need to be doing any extra snacking anyway. And my strategizing seems to be working -- I was down a pound this morning. Yay!