Sun, 9:43: RT @gilbertjasono: Why should we listen to TEENS who haven't graduated high school when we could be listening to ADULTS who are constantly tricked into sharing articles from www.NYt1mes.fart
Sun, 12:08: Hey, emoji creators! :P does NOT = 😛. It should be 😐 with a tongue. Get it right!
Sun, 21:14: Shobhit and I have been watching "Roseanne" on Amazon Prime Video, and it's amazing how far ahead of its time it was not just then, but still is even now. With the reboot beginning this week, this essay by Roseanne herself from 2011 is fascinating indeed. (Not least of which because even as she acknowledges how much fame went to her head at the time, she clearly doesn't realize the full extent to which to this day it has left her a bit nutso.)