
Well, since I actually already posted on Saturday about the March for Our Lives, in which I also wrote about my Friday evening, today's is not the typically super-long post about the entirety of my weekend. I have far less to report on since yesterday was comparatively far less eventful.
I did go out for brunch, with Shobhit. I discovered a Chinook Book coupon for 2-for-1 brunch entrees at Poquitos when I was searching for options for dinner Friday night, and Shobhit and I decided we'd go get brunch there on Sunday. This was mostly because Shobhit would already get a Social Review point for going to the March for Our Lives -- and also to the movies -- on Saturday, so going to brunch as well on the same day wouldn't do anything for him there.
I guess there's some other minor Hindu festival going on that typically involves fasting from eggs, so Shobhit did not want an egg dish. I did though, so I had the "Chilaquiles," which is sort of like nachos, but with a different kind of much smaller chip closer to the size of Wheat Thins, and with two poached eggs on top. I quite liked it.
Shobhit ordered the "Grande Tostada," and they aren't messing around when it comes to Grande -- I had forgotten how huge it was until the gigantic plate was brought to his desk. (I actually posted a phot of myself with one once when I was there with Evan back 2014.) I had a few bites of it after finishing my dish, which, amazingly, Shobhit did not touch at all.
We walked over to the Sunday Farmers Market at Seattle Central Community College and then walked home. Soon after that, I decided to switch my original plan of taking myself downtown to see Thoroughbreds tonight and went yesterday afternoon at 1:40 instead. And I really, really liked that movie -- I expected to like it and it still notably exceeded my expectations. I still couldn’t in good conscience give it any higher than a B+, but that still worked. It's still within the realm of my enthusiastically recommending others watch it. I think even Shobhit might have been compelled by it, but he stayed home.

I walked home from the movie, reading my library book along the way, and proceeded to write the review, which I had fun writing.
Shobhit and I watched a few episodes of Roseanne, and we added a huge pile of vegetables on top of one of the frozen pizzas to split for dinner. Technically I should have taken a quarter of the pizza for lunch at work today -- that's what I did with the last one -- but this one was piled so high I kind of thought it would not transport easily. Also, we hadn't had lunch, after having had brunch, and I was hungry. It's really not a good idea to eat until you're that full with every meal, but it sure feels satisfying when you do it. At least my weight was not up this morning -- it was exactly the same as yesterday.
I've still decided to stop dumping three pump fulls of syrup into my tea at work every morning. It's my new strategy! I've had a "London Fog" every morning at work for months. I'm going to use the syrups just every Friday from now on. Drinking Earl Grey tea with a bit of cream without any sweetener is fine too. It's not nearly as tasty, but it's still good. Now if I could just pull back more on the chocolate grazing. There are chocolate snacks with no end around here. I know, woe is me! Well, pretty soon I'm not going to be able to button my pants. It's not like I can very convincingly blame the stress eating after the 2016 presidential election anymore.
Speaking of which, Shobhit and I actually watched the Stormy Daniels 60 Minutes interview live last night. What a whole lot of hype over no truly new information. If this helps bring President Fuckwit down, I'm all for it. But, I've also been sick of endless speculation about Stormy Daniels for days, and got sucked into the suggestion that some bombshell might be dropped on the show last night that we didn't already know. Really, I just got duped into contributing to that show's ratings. To be clear, I fully support and believe Stormy Daniels. But to call last night's 60 Minutes in and of itself a "nothing burger" would be an understatement. I would not call her case a "nothing burger" at all. I'm just talking about the marketing of a TV show. All this talk of her possibly having a presidential dick pic -- and she just says her lawyer has advised her not to say one way or another. This is all just more of the same TV entertainment bullshit. I could have been watching something a lot better, and that would have included more old episodes of Roseanne.
I did think a lot about Kathy Griffin as Anderson Cooper was conducting that interview -- Kathy Griffin understandably dropped him as a friend after his radio silence when Trump and his acolytes went after her for the fake decapitation video last year. Kathy Griffin has been very vocal in her support for Stormy Daniels, who has been subjected to very similar bullying tactics. But she's also been on record about her feelings about Anderson Cooper, with whom she'd had a very fun and cordial relationship for years: "We're done."
To my moderate amazement, Shobhit even told me -- unsolicited -- he wanted to go to Kathy Griffin's show when she next comes to Seattle. Well, guess what! She's here June 16, when Shobhit and I will be at Yellowstone National Park. God damn it, why did she have to come that week? Any other week the entire year would have worked better! Someone needs to talk to her scheduler.

[posted 12:22 pm]