important stuff

Well, that didn't take long. My website is downloading at work again already! Hmm . . . is someone over in IT reading my blog? It's probably just a coincidence. Right? Right?
Whatever was going wrong yesterday and the day before is clearly fixed. Some bug, I suppose. and weren’t loading either, and now they are. This is important stuff!
Not much to report about last night. The explosion of activity that came with last week's Birth Week has finally given way to the more typical ebb and flow of regular day to day life. I watched a lot of TV. Shobhit got off work at 5:00, and so I started the second episode of season 2 of The Handmaid's Tale so I could watch at least half of it before Shobhit got home. After he got home, and before I finished watching, he deep fried some more baturas for us to eat with more leftovers from Sunday's Birth Week dinner.
We then ate that while watching the third episode of season 2 of Westworld, which expanded on last week's vast improvement over the season premiere. I am really digging that show again now, after the initial dubiousness of the season premiere.
We also watched Sunday's episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. We never got around to catching up on The Big Bang Theory and Modern Family, though, for two reasons. First, Shobhit and I got into a surprisingly involved conversation about population growth, specifically in the Indian subcontinent, and somewhat in the context of the long history of ethnic tensions between Hindus and Muslims. It was the kind of stuff where Shobhit actually does know what he's talking about, as opposed to other things he talks about as if he knows what he's talking about but is actually pulling shit out of his ass. This time he wasn't pulling anything out of his ass.
Second, I realized I still had two Mother's Day cards to design, so I went to the bedroom and did that. I was quite happy with the result. And, I needed at the very least to get Mom's card out in the mail by today, so she'll hopefully receive it in th email on Saturday. In all likelihood it won't matter as she only checks her damn mail once or twice a week. It was also important to me to get Sherri's card out in the mail early enough too, as I only realized I needed to get her a birthday card made while I was at work the day before her birthday last month. I did get it in the mail that day, which in the old days would have arrived the next day, but these days, idiotically, it takes two days for mail to travel from Seattle to Olympia, which is all of sixty miles away. Hooray for the increasingly inefficient U.S. Postal System!

Yesterday I posted two tweets in a thread about Teacher Appreciation Day, and specifically my favorite teacher in high school. I actually hated history, but was always good at it, both in high school and in college. Mr. Vennum encouraged me like no other teacher did, and truly the only reason I signed up to take his AP history class was because he asked me to. (I needed no encouragement to take the AP English class I took, because I was both better at English than any other subject and I enjoyed it.)
Today, the first of those tweets was "liked" by the Twitter account of Spokane Schools. Can you imagine the confusion on my face if that sentence were uttered to me as a teenager in the early nineties? What a strange, wonderful world we live in.
It's a little cooler today than it was yesterday, only into the mid-sixties and slightly cloudier, but the sun had come out and so I decided to eat my lunch out on the balcony. I thought maybe the backs of the couch with cushions had been turned over by the wind -- and maybe they were; but also, maybe someone did it deliberately to discourage sitting on it? It did rain last night for a bit, after all, and although the cushions were dry at first to the touch, their insides turned out still to be soaked with rain water. So when I pushed the back-cushions back and sat down, I got my ass all wet. So that was fun.
On the plus side, I got a belated bunch of birthday presents from a broker today, including two Tony's Chocolonely chocolate bars, and a really awesome Field Roast T-shirt with a design showing the Space Needle doubling as a sort of skewer for one of their veggie dogs.
Yet another among countless reasons to love working here.

[posted 12:20 pm]