
I'm going to write a free commercial now! I must once again sing the praises of my "BodyGuardz Shock™ Case" (in pink, naturally) that I have had wrapped around my iPhone 6s since I purchased it in December 2015. The guy at the AT&T Store at the time convinced me to purchase it by telling me about how, when the rep for the product was trying to convince them to sell it, tried to smash a phone with the case around it with a hammer and it did nothing to harm it. Now, I know full well how huckster-infomercial that sounds -- but, hey, it worked.
And guess what? I can't tell you how many times I have dropped this phone in the past three years. There remains not a scratch on it. Okay, there's a few quite tiny little dents in the BodyGuardz casing. But the phone's face and screen remains as unblemished as the day I purchased it.
I bring this up because this morning I dropped the damned thing while riding my bike to work, pedaling down Pine Street's long hill toward downtown. I had the phone in the right pocket of my hoodie, and I was listening to a podcast with ear buds in. The ear buds' cord got caught under the front of my seat and maybe around my knee as I pedaled, and the left-side ear bud flung out of my ear -- and the phone flung out of my pocket, and onto the pavement. I was maybe a third of a block further down the road once I stopped to turn around.
A very nice guy who had been walking down the sidewalk stopped and picked the phone up for me, handing it back to me. This is the kind of scenario where it may be more likely the face of my phone could hit against something. But, once again, not this time. The phone hit the street pretty hard in this case. And still it's as good as new. The casing is nearly as good as new. I think I will continue using this phone protector product for as long as it is being manufactured. It cost me $30.69 at the time of purchase and was more than worth every penny.

Shobhit and I had salad for dinner last night, and then watched this week's episode of Harlots. He didn't want to watch a movie so I went back to the bedroom to watching an episode and a half of Sharp Objects. Then, after making chai for Shobhit and myself, I read My Life as a Goddess by Guy Branum, finally getting to a point where two or three times it made me laugh so hard I mentally had to double check that I was sober (I was; I had no alcohol yesterday). You get a ways into that book before it starts getting particularly funny, but then there are moments when it's fucking hilarious.
The smoke is finally nearly all gone from Seattle, by the way. The last bout of it last year was in September, so I feel like there's probably a better-than-average chance of its return before summer is over. For now, it's a long overdue respite. The weather is cloudy and much cooler, and I'm digging it.
-- Well, maybe. I just sat outside on the patio eating my lunch with Alicia, and we couldn't decide if the haze today is just that -- haze -- or a slight uptick in the smoke again. Ah fuck, who knows? She told me she wants it just to rain non-stop for three days. I told her that's not likely to happen for a while. "We all can dream," she sighed.
Oh! I nearly forgot: I also "walked the loop" with her yesterday afternoon -- she emailed the usual suspects that she'd be going at 2:15 and any of us could join if we wanted. I was the only one who did. Up between the railroad tracks and the buildings lining Elliott Avenue; over the pedestrian overpass and into Myrtle Edwards Park -- which, in contrast to last week, we no longer filled with equipment for HempFest. Then across the tracks again via the Olympic Sculpture Park and back to our building. We chatted quite a bit and it was a very nice mid-afternoon diversion. I'm pretty fond of Alicia and I like that I'm kind of getting to know her better lately.

[posted 12:41 pm]