a simple lift

I'll have to make it quick again today. I did actual work all morning! Well, most of the morning.
There's no particularly breaking news to share today anyway -- yesterday I took myself to see A Simple Favor at the Meridian at 6:30. I rode my bike home first, thought about riding back downtown again for the movie, then opted to walk instead. I read my library copy of I'll Be Gone in the Dark as I walked down, and finished it while on the #49 as far as Broadway, and then by the light of street lamps as I walked the six blocks home from there. It's a very good book.
The movie was pretty good. Nothing to write home about. But something to do; I wanted to go see a movie and that one was basically the best option, of out what was playing that I hadn't seen already. Mandy saw my link to the review posted on Facebook and posted the comment:
Wait a minute.
"Why would I see that??" -- Matthew, 9/15/18
There followed an exchange of comments on that post, from which Mandy somehow accidentally deleted all the comments she had posted, so only mine are still visible. How the hell does someone manage to do that? -- delete all comments by one person on a post in one fell swoop? I didn't even know that was possible. Either way, you can still see my comment defending myself and how I wound up changing my mind: I discovered surprisingly good reviews on MetaCritic, and was largely swayed by the news that it had a lot of humor in it.
Once I got back, I spent about an hour writing the review, and soon thereafter was getting ready for bed.

I just sat out on the patio with Alicia for lunch today. After she wondered why I did not sit out there yesterday, I decided today I would grab my jacket and sit out there again. This time I didn't even need my jacket; just shy of 60° with the sun out in full force is actually plenty warm enough.
The view, as always, was spectacular. I never tire of this vantage point on the Puget Sound to the west, or downtown to the south, from five floors up.
Oh that reminds me. I think one of our elevators in this building is possessed. I got in with one other guy who had pressed for the 4th floor, and I pressed 5. Instead of stopping at either floor, the elevator took us up to 6. The doors opened and no one was there. Or was there? We both pressed our respective buttons again and the elevator stopped at each of our floors on the way down. It was very weird. I guess technically it was also the most exciting thing that happened today. So far, anyway.

[posted 12:45 pm]