In a way I suppose I should be grateful there hasn't been all that much excitement for a while. Exciting surprises aren't always fantastic, right? Of course they kind of are more often than not with me, but whatever.
It's even been slow-going for a couple of weeks when it comes to movies to go see. This time of year, that can tend to slow down because the number of movies that appear both worth going to and that I have not already seen dwindles. I did manage to see two movies last week -- it felt like one because they were on Tuesday and Saturday so they were five days apart. I can find only one movie opening this week worth going to, which I will likely go see tomorrow evening. I could just as easily wait until early next week, but, it has been since last Saturday that I've had a movie to go to.
I'd go see other movies I already know aren't going to be great, but that's only worth doing if I get paid to. Getting at no extra cost, even with the AMC Stubbs A-List membership, doesn't really make sitting through a boring or shitting movie worth it.
So, again, yesterday I walked home from work -- or rather, I walked to Target to get wet wipe refills, and then took the bus. I tried to wait at the stop on 4th and Pike but got super annoyed with the waiting because the #11 was already several minutes late, and then several emergency vehicles turned onto Pike, fucking up already bad traffic. I figured I at least had time to walk up to the stop on 9th & Pine, and I did. Shortly after that, I got on the #49 bus, which I had to get off of on Pine & Broadway. It was only a couple minutes later that the #11 bus caught up to that stop, and I hopped on that to go further up Pine to 15th.
So then I had Amy's "No Chicken Noodle" soup for dinner with some crackers. It was quick, easy and tasty. Ditto the pre-made chai I had prepared the night before, which at Shobhit's suggestion I put whiskey into. Eventually we watched a few episodes of Cheers -- season three is a notable bump in quality over the first two seasons -- but Shobhit and I both got into bed before it was even 9:00. He brought his library copy of the new Game of Thrones prequel. I thought I might read a little too, but the NyQuil knocked me out and I was asleep at 9:02.
At least I got out of bed at 5:15 with well over eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, having felt far better rested than I tend to on weeknights.

Oh right, I'm sure you're dying for a Cold Update! And I don't mean this week's polar vortex digging into the Midwest. I'm talking about my cold: still congested! On the upside, I woke up feeling more energized than I have in three days, and although I've got plenty of mucus, my nose isn't running a fucking marathon like it was yesterday.
I've been bombarding my body with homeopathic stuff from work for which the book I am currently reading mentions over and over again there is no statistically significant evidence of efficacy. Whatever! As I always like to say, I don't care if it's a placebo: whatever works! Of course I've had this cold now for three days, and I have no way of knowing whether feeling like I'm starting to be truly on the mend in even that short amount of time is due to anything I have ingested or if it was just the cold running its natural course. Probably the latter. Side note: when I have colds now, I blow my nose constantly, and when I was younger, I almost never did. I bet something as simple as that actually helps. As long as I'm doing it right, apparently.
I do feel like I should be okay for the walk and bike ride this Saturday and Sunday, respectively. So that's good.
The weather app on my phone currently shows a cloud with showers on both Saturday and Sunday, which is slightly worrisome -- but I won't worry too much until Saturday, and particularly Sunday since that's the bike ride, is only about a day away. National Weather Service still just states "A chance of showers" for both days, 30% on Saturday, which really means there's a 2-to-1 chance it won't be wet at all. So, we'll see.

[posted 12:22 pm]