last night today

We're back to a much more typical Tuesday this week! Nothing of particularly huge note occurred last night, and yesterday I did all the writing I needed to do about the weekend, so there's not much to share today. I know I constantly say that and then write a whole bunch of bullshit anyway. Let's just move on, shall we?
I walked home from work, via the Capitol Hill branch library, where I returned two books. Walked home, where Shobhit was lounging on the couch watching TV, having taken full advantage of a rare full day off from both his jobs. I made dinner: two Tandoor Chef naan pizzas, since we bought a bunch of them last month with the monthly coupon combined with my employee discount and them being on sale (which they will be again in December, yay!). As usual when I make these at home, at Shobhit's request, I added toppings: onion, bell pepper, veggie sausage, extra cheese (gouda). I could have added mushrooms and I totally spaced that, which I only realized while writing the previous sentence.
We ate while watching Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Then I went to the bedroom to watch this week's episode, the second, of HBO's Watchmen. Shobhit watched the first episode with me last weekend and halfway through dismissed it as too similar to The Handmaid's Tale in that it weaves in too many real-world issues that television entertainment should be an escape from.
I, on the other hand, am fascinated by the show—so far, at least—because of its approach: it effectively ignores the 2009 film adaptation of the original 1980s comic book that has long had a strong cult following, and regards the comic itself (which I have never read) as the "sacred text" of this world. This is not an adaptation of that comic book, though, so much as it is a direct sequel to it, set thirty years later. But instead of examining the cold war paranoia that informed the comic and was a reflection of its time, it now examines what our present-day world would look like in the wake of how the events of the original Watchmen changed history (most notably, that Dr. Manhattan won the Vietnam war for the U.S. and thus allowed for Richard Nixon to remain president well into the eighties with no term limits; in the current iteration, unchecked liberalism has taken over government with Robert Redford now having been president for thirty years).
I could lose interest yet myself, but I haven't. Episode 2 still has me wanting to learn more about this world. Also, Regina King is awesome.

In other news, for Shobhit's birthday this week—he turns 46 tomorrow, or technically at 5:00 today since he was born at 5:30 a.m. in India—he decided to make himself a pumpkin pie, entirely made from scratch. I'm talking pumpkin itself, as well as the crust. I was stupidly skeptical about it being all that great given his refusal to follow any recipe very strictly, but I have to say: I licked a couple bits of the filling off his finger after he blended it in a blender, and it was fucking delicious.
We didn't have any last night, as we actually did follow the suggestion online to let it cool on the counter for a while and then in the refrigerator overnight. Hmm, maybe we should get some whipped cream. In any case, there's a fair chance we'll have some of it tonight. I'll be very surprised if Shobhit will have the self-control to save it until tomorrow.
That was the only productive thing he did yesterday during his day off, really. Make a pumpkin pie. A worthy endeavor, I think.

[posted 12:43 pm]