rough kashmir

I don't have much more to tell you today than I did yesterday. I walked home from work; we made pizza for dinner; we watched two episodes of American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace, Sunday's episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, and two episodes of Cheers. That about sums it up. Oh, and Guru has barfed about three times in the past twelve hours.
I only learned this morning, though, about escalating tensions between India and Pakistan, the likes of which have not been seen in apparently a couple of decades. Shobhit mentioned it this morning, and texted me later this morning that his mom had asked him if he can postpone his trip. It doesn't sound like he has made that decision, but he thinks his connecting flight from London to Delhi could be lengthened by a decision not to fly over Pakistani airspace.
Shobhit made mention of making sure I know how to access his accounts "in case my plane gets shot down." I still think he's exaggerating that as a specific possibility, but I have to admit this bit from the Washington Post article I just found gave me slight pause:
...the most ominous military confrontation between India and Pakistan since both tested nuclear weapons two decades ago...
There is no doubt that if this snowballs into significant regional unrest while Shobhit is home in India's capitol, that, you know, would make me a little nervous. That said, I don't see the sense in getting too worried about it until there is concrete evidence that Shobhit himself has been endangered. That specific evidence, while it could in the future, has not yet materialized.
That said, it just occurred to me reading that article that, from my vantage point anyway, this is literally the most important thing happening in the world right now. I did not quite realize how serious it was -- or, at least, it could get -- when Shobhit mentioned it this morning. (Honestly this is because needless paranoia is Shobhit's default setting, which sometimes makes it difficult to take him seriously.) I still don't think he should be worried about Pakistan shooting down any commercial aircraft, let alone the specific one that he'll be on.

Anything else? Not really. Assuming Shobhit's travel plans remain constant, he leaves for London for his first leg of the typically one-day trip on Friday afternoon. I'm taking myself to a movie tonight but have kept my Thursday evening clear; that will be the last evening I spend with Shobhit until late March. I'll do the laundry.
I do already have at least one thing planned the four weekends he'll be gone: Braeburn Condos Double Feature this Saturday; overnight stay in Shelton at Jennifer and Eric's place Saturday the 9th, after having dinner in Olympia for Dad and Sherri's 35th anniversary; Jennifer coming to stay the night with me in Seattle Saturday the 16th (and she'll join me for the St. Patrick's Day Dash the morning after, since Shobhit can't now); and hopefully I'll be going to see Maria Bamford live at the Moore Theatre Saturday the 23rd. Shobhit is slated to return Monday March 25. And, okay, let's be honest: I'll spend some time at Steamworks at least once or twice during that time.
In any case, I'm set to keep myself pretty damned busy in Shobhit's absence. I still would have preferred Ivan's visit to happen during Shobhit's trip, but, whatever. You can't have everything.
And now that I'm done with that basic space filler, I guess I'll get back to work!

[posted 12:17 pm]