the coming storm

I actually went out last night! But, I did walk home first, because the movie I saw had its first showing only at 7:15. Shobhit and I had burgers, and Shobhit used the deep fryer (which we bought for $25 from Sherri over our Christmas visit to Olympia -- Shobhit said this was the seventh time he's used it) to make French fries out of a couple of our potatoes. He also sliced more eggplant to put on our burgers. I think maybe he deep fried those too. It did make the burgers a bit oily but they were still good. We watched a couple episodes of Cheers as we ate. We're at the point in season 3 where characters keep talking about where Coach has gone, and knowing that Nicholas Colasanto died during that season, we figure we're at the point in the series where we'll never see Coach again.
Anyway, I then walked downtown to Pacific Place to see one of three movie options I have for this coming week -- a wide enough release that the first showings were post-7 p.m. on Thursday: What Men Want. It was . . . okay. I had a movie to watch. That's about the extent of what I can say about it, beyond the middling review itself.
I walked home again afterwards, attempting twice to call Gabriel after telling him I would after the movie. He's so hard to catch these days! Actually my second attempt was once I got into bed. I got home and basically just got right to getting ready for bed. That movie had a ridiculous number of trailers beforehand, so it was about 10:15 before I was even ready for bed -- I didn't want to have to stay up late to write the review. So I wrote it this morning.

Oh! I almost forgot -- Alicia and I went on this week's "loop walk" through Myrtle Edwards Park yesterday afternoon, a rare case of it being at my suggestion. Yesterday was the warmest day this week and it was still below 40°, but we both dressed in layers and, as I had noted, we wouldn't be likely to go this afternoon, what with the snow system expected this afternoon.
So, now let's talk about the weather! National Weather Service predicts a high of 33° although it says as I write this that the current temperature is 34°. Get your shit together, people! They also predict a ninety percent chance of snow today, two to four inches possible, a "winter storm warning" in effect through tomorrow morning. They also note "wind chill values" (which I barely understand) "between 23° and 28°."
My Yahoo! weather app breaks down predictions by the hour, with a 30% chance of snow by noon. 40% by 1:00, 70% by 2:00, 90% every hour between 3:00 and 11 p.m.! So, it's pretty much a guarantee it will be snowing as I walk up Capitol Hill to meet Laney for Happy Hour. Shobhit will be driving home from work during that time so I hope he's careful.
We already got an email at work from the Director of HR this morning, at 10:10, that the office would officially be closing at 1:00. Any other day I might just go ahead and blow out of here at that time, but I do have plenty to get done, and I don't see the sense in going home before heading out again to meet up with Laney. I may leave just early enough to walk on over to Pike Place Market and maybe get a better, unspoiled-snow shot of the viaduct than the semi-melted snow I snapped on my way home from work on Monday.
It's actually stayed cold enough this week that we still have patches of ice and snow pretty much all over -- almost with the exception of downtown, where it's nearly all gone; but on Capitol Hill, it still looks more like typical winter environments in Eastern Washington than the usual look of the Puget Sound region. And this new system coming in evidently promises way more than we even got on Monday. It's going to be an adventure.

[posted 12:20 pm]