My tweets

  • Fri, 6:48: Holy shit, times have changed. Just received an email from my 81-year-old great aunt (Auntie Rose), informing me that she "noticed a Cannabis tour in Seattle!!! They even make a stop to show how the blower equipment, etc. are made." She told me other news too but the subject line was "New tour in Seattle!!!!!!!!"

    I honestly can't tell if she is expressing her own shock or expecting that I'll be excited about it.
  • Fri, 8:27: Latest dumbass product suggestion: DOG NAIL POLISH, which really exists! Product website even features a hilarious gallery of dogs that look like they literally just got back from the nail salon.

    (Scott keeps suggesting I get it to see if Shanti likes it, but: a) Shanti is a cat; b) she would *not* be into it.)
  • Fri, 8:50: RT @solomongeorgio: The hate we allow inspires the hate we condemn.
  • Fri, 17:57: 2-stop #HappyHour! First stop was Belmont Lounge. Excellent, expensive cocktails, but La Cocina Oaxaqueña provides far greater value.