Climate State

Yesterday I left work ten minutes early at 4:20 so I could make it on my bike on time to the 4:40 showing of Captive State at Pacific Place. And you know what, that movie suuuucked. I only stayed to the end because that was the only way I could write a review with any real authority. You never know, right? There could be some redeeming quality at the end? Not so much.
I mean, it wasn't the worst movie in the world -- it's not like it was painful. But for me, a solid-C movie is plenty bad, and certainly a waste of time. Given the concept, I could hardly believe how dull it was. Also I kind of felt like the rather small part with Vera Farmiga, in which she plays a prostitute, was far beneath her abilities. Talk about wasted talent. And I didn't even think to mention that in my review. I probably should have.
And that pretty much filled up my evening, as I came home, made a veggie burger for dinner, and wrote the review. I did get on Skype with Shobhit in India for some time, and I also watched the three episodes of the Netflix comedy special Bumping Mics with Jeff Ross and Dave Attell, two middle-aged white guys who -- gasp! -- I actually enjoy. To their credit, each half-hour installment featured a bevy of guests they brought up to the stage, and their pool of guests was actually rather diverse. I liked that about it.

Mercifully, this week's ridiculous heat wave is now over -- they're talking about rain coming tomorrow, but we'll see. Today seems like a pleasantly transitional day; forecast high of 61°, and even that's 6° above normal for today's date -- all of about six weeks after we were having temperatures about twenty degrees below normal. This world is fucked! Fun!
The National Weather service is showing a roughly average 60° as the highs tomorrow through Monday, all of that still around five degrees above normal -- but, with some rain, so it will still feel far more like a normal March in Seattle. Honestly I'm looking forward to it.
I don't just broadly object to warm days, you know. I object to weather that's wildly out of character for the season. Days like yesterday and the day before in, say, July or August? Perfect! (As long as we don't go months on end with no rain -- I do tire of the sun after too much time.) Having it in March, before winter was even officially over, is kind of insane.
Anyway I ate my lunch out the balcony again even though this time it was still only in the fifties. But, it was sunny and I have long sleeves on, which I figured made it perfect and I was right. Claudia joined me again, and Jamie did too. Later, Sara J joined us as well, although she had to go back inside after a few minutes as she was the only one in short sleeves and she was too chilly. The rest of us were done with our lunches by that time anyway so we all went back inside at the same time.

[posted 12:38 pm]