another day another post

I have so little to catch you up on today, I didn't even think to start writing anything for today's DLU until my actual lunch break!
I've basically made a conscious decision to spend pretty much all weekday evenings this week at home with Shobhit. Having few to no movie options this week makes that easier, admittedly, but still. In any case, I rode my bike home from work yesterday, and I helped Shobhit make a potato based dish in the pressure cooker to eat for dinner with the kachoris handmade by his mom that he brought home from India.
They were very oily. Also very good, though. A thought did occur to me: what are the chances I could get sick from these, having actually been cooked in India? Probably not very high; they were fried, after all. It's not like he brought home a bottle of Indian tap water for me to drink.
We watched like three episodes of Will & Grace. The most recent one had a "viewer discretion advised" warning at the top, which baffled me. But I remembered this morning that the episode had a gag in which the word "come" was used as a pun that could mean both "come on" and "semen," and maybe that was the content that necessitated the warning. That was pretty risqué even for Will & Grace, I have to admit. And it was all part of a running gag already going on about a unicorn marshmallow machine characters talked about, that would spray it all over people's faces -- the implication being pretty obvious. In any case, the humor was pretty dirty.

In other news, Danielle and I appear to be only hours away, finally, from booking our flights to Toronto on May 28, and then back from Syracuse, New York on June 2. (Two nights in Toronto; one in Niagara Falls; two in Syracuse.) We have basically agreed on the Seattle-to-Toronto flight itinerary and should get on the phone this evening and actually book it. After we get the flights booked, we then have to get hotel rooms booked and also reserve a rental car.
That's pretty much the only definitive plans I have for this evening. More TV watching is in store, I'm sure. I really need to try actually reading some of the library book I have checked out, which I already had to renew once and I've only read like two pages of it.
Oh, I was supposed to have lunch with Karen today but apparently something came up at work and she had to cancel. It was already rescheduled from tomorrow due to her needing to be out of town, so there was no rescheduling this one again. I had a sample Amy's Wrap for lunch here at work instead. It's not as sunny today -- though it's still relatively nice -- and one degree cooler than it was this same time yesterday so I ate inside instead of out on the patio.

[posted 12:24 pm]