the veggie bacon that really exists (from Canada)

Lynne came up to my desk this morning and just out of the blue said, "I just want you to know I adore you!"
I mean, I get it . . . but still I was a little taken aback. I just laughed and said, "What promoted that?"
She was nearly around the corner when she walked away and said, "You're hilarious!"
Maybe something I posted to Facebook amused her.
Once again, not much to tell you today. Shobhit actually worked a bit later than usual yesterday, not getting off work until 5:30 and getting home around 6:00; I therefore got home about an hour earlier than he did, since I rode my bike home from work. I made pizza for dinner.
Specifically, the first Hawaiian pizza I've had since literally the late nineties. And now I need to go on a tangent about reading comprehension. Because I cannot, for the life of me, understand how this can shock, surprise, or confuse people who know I am a vegetarian:
I thought I was buying regular veggie bacon and didn’t realize it was Canadian style. So, I’m having my first Hawaiian pizza in the 21 years since I became a vegetarian!
Apparently I should have really doubled down on the veggie part, and written it like this?
I thought I was buying regular veggie bacon and didn’t realize it was Canadian style. So, using veggie Canadian bacon, I’m having my first Hawaiian pizza in the 21 years since I became a vegetarian!
Because I had this long comment exchange with Beth who started with, "Wait, you're eating it?" (uh . . . yes), and three different people responded with the "wow" Facebook reaction, which would seem to suggest they all thought I was saying I actually ate real meat on a pizza for the first time in 21 years.
The thing is, nothing about the way I phrased it to begin with is untrue. I thought I was buying regular veggie bacon. When I opened the package, it was Canadian style. Somehow, apparently, people lose sight at that point of the fact that it was still vegetarian. Maybe not enough people realize veggie Canadian bacon even exists? To be fair, not even I realized it until I opened the package at home -- even though, come to think of it, I literally would have been the person to add that item to our system, as I bought it at a PCC store. I just checked our system and we've been selling it at least since 2015.
It's marked as "Canadian Bacon" in our system and thus on shelf tags, but the packaging itself merely says "Veggie Bacon" -- hence my mistake; there is a photo, yes, but I was only paying attention to the writing when I grabbed it from the shelf. Either that or I was actually only paying attention to the photo, and not the text, and I thought I was buying my usual veggie ham -- as these two items from that same brand (Yves) look very similar.
In any case, I therefore still had my first Hawaiian Pizza in the 21 years since I became a vegetarian. I missed it. (When Shobhit got home and tried it, he said, "I don't care about the pineapple.") Part of the reason I got a pineapple at all when I went grocery shopping last weekend, actually, was so that I could do this -- I didn't really know what else to do with the veggie Canadian Bacon I had bought.
I quite liked it, I must say. I found it delicious.
And, I guess I had more to say today than I thought I did!

Shobhit and I watched an episode of The Big Bang Theory, and then he turned on Mom, which I had no interest in, so I went back to the bedroom and watched a Netflix comedy special. It was all right -- I mostly watched it because Marc Maron had done a rare thing by taking to Twitter to share how much he had liked it. Shobhit moved on to some reality show he basically watched for the rest of the evening, never really wanting to switch over to Catastrophe. Maybe I'll just watch that new season by myself, then. He was always into the previous seasons but whatever.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention I set off the smoke alarms with the oven when I was opening it to take out the pizza, and Shobhit blew a fucking gasket. For once, though, I remained calm and just said when he was done literally yelling at me, "Are you finished?" I did not respond with any antagonization of my own, and that appeared to have been a very effective choice. I had opened the doors and the alarms stopped after all of a minute or two, and everything was fine, as we both knew it would be.
Shobhit was frustrated that I never remember to turn on the exhaust fan above the stove when using the stove -- something which, as it happens, never should be necessary; and the alarms almost certainly still would have gone off even if I had anyway. It's like, okay, I made a mistake. Who gives a shit? This is not a cataclysmic event.
Anyway, I think we had very different takeaways from this interaction. Mine was that maybe I should keep my cool, even when he is not, more often. Having a short fuse about anything has never been a constructive thing for either of us, after all.
And beyond all that, today we just had this month's Town Hall all-office meeting with provided lunch. This is why I am posting slightly later than usual today.
I skipped breakfast in anticipation of this lunch being a bit heavy, and that proved to be a good idea. Shobhit still made me a hard boiled egg to eat before I left this morning, so I suppose that's still sort of a breakfast.
Nothing really to report from the Town Hall -- just ramping up on two store openings still set to happen later this year. There did seem to be a pretty large amount of technical difficulties, and I kind of wondered if any heads were going to roll because of that. Probably not.
I sat at the bar seating against the glass wall facing west over Myrtle Edwards Park and Elliott Bay beyond; I wound up sitting next to Lynne and also Joe, the Produce Merchandiser who is now one of our longest-lasting employees still working here. We all talked about where we've lived and where we're from, and I learned that Joe is an identical twin! I'm pretty sure I've actually been told that before, probably some years ago, but you know me -- I keep extensive records of my life in blogs because otherwise I would fucking forget everything!
I do remember that I should probably get back to work now though.

[posted 12:52 pm]