here we go again

Not a whole lot to report on today; I walked home from work yesterday, and had dinner ready and waiting for me -- just because I had forgotten to take the leftover salad I had ready for work. Luckily I found an egg & cheddar burrito in the Merchandising Freezer and I had that for lunch. It was surprisingly tasty, actually.
Anyway, once I was home, I put the salad and peanut dressing in a bowl, and watched the last three episodes of the entire series of The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt on Netflix. That show is probably my favorite TV comedy since my all-time favorite TV comedy, 30 Rock, and with Tina Fey as producer, it has a very similar sensibility, which I find often endlessly hilarious. That said, while 30 Rock went on for seven seasons, Kimmy Schmidt had only four, albeit with the fourth season split in half and presented over two years -- so, about as long, but with notably fewer episodes. Also, 30 Rock was a regular network show and, with the exception of its final season, averaged around twenty episodes per season; Kimmy Schmidt was always streaming-only and had a much more typical 13 episodes per season its first three years; then only six episodes last year and six this year.
And, honestly? Last year's front half of season four wasn't nearly as good as previous seasons had been. I felt like these back-half six episodes upped the game again, though, and I laughed a lot -- especially last night. I'm constantly taking pictures of screenshots to post of that show.
I was quite happy with how it ended, right down to the quick DAMMIT sung-title card as the parting shot. I had a surge of warm feelings toward the show on the whole as it ended, and suddenly thought about how much I'm going to miss it. Of course, it will always be there to re-watch if I ever really want, although I have long thought about re-watching 30 Rock and still never have. Alicia told me during our walk on Monday afternoon (oh! I forgot to mention we took a loop walk on Monday) that on Valentine's Day she had watched three Valentine's Day-themed episodes of 30 Rock, which I thought was a fairly appealing approach -- finding a jumble of episodes with a common theme to watch. Maybe I'll do that someday.
Otherwise I cleaned up my email inbox and otherwise wound up in bed super early, at like 9:30 pm.

In other news, it fucking snowed this morning! It's March 7, for fuck's sake!
Granted, it wasn't exactly a huge deal. Predictably, there was more snow on Capitol Hill than downtown; in fact no real accumulation downtown at all -- and barely enough to coat Capitol Hill in white. Buses had not been diverted so I managed to get on the 4:46 bus, which arrived only three minutes late. The accumulation on the ground was notably less even before we were halfway down the hill toward downtown.
So, even though there is apparently more snow possible tonight, we've still got highs well into the forties this week (it should be noted however that the normal highs right now should be getting to 51°), there's clearly no chance of this being a repeat of the snows we got last month. That said, I was still trying to get what pictures I could -- this qualifies as a bona fide snowfall and thus necessitates another photo album for my collection. This could prove to be the smallest photo album to date; I only got about five shots this morning, as I bussed right out of Capitol Hill so quickly. If it snows again this week I'll make any further photos part of the same album though.
These photos in today's DLU are not of that snowfall, as you may have suspected. I haven't had a chance to edit any of today's photos, none of which are all that beautiful anyway. These are actually from the last few still backlogged from when Shobhit and I took his cousin, Anubhab, to Snoqualmie Pass so he could see snow in person for the first time, back in November, Thanksgiving weekend.
That was a lot of snow. Today was more of a "barely" snow. But it still counts! Everything was indeed covered in white when I left the building this morning, after all.

[posted 12:24 pm]