Fun with Falling Apart

I realized yesterday that I am actually in the middle of a several-day stretch where I see pretty little of Shobhit: he worked until 10:00 last night; he works until 10:15 tonight; tomorrow I leave for a boat ride from Des Moines in the morning and then on to Shelton and I likely won't be back until later Monday evening. But! Then Tuesday is my actual, 43rd birthday and he has the afternoon off so we can do the Paddle Boats on Greenlake -- and also some grocery shopping.
So what did I do in his absence last night, then? Well, first I rode my bike home, and had leftover rice with kidney beans and cabbage all mixed together from a large batch of food Shobhit made the evening prior. I didn't watch any TV but rather caught up on email and things like that. And then I walked down to the Egyptian Theatre to take myself to see the solid-B documentary Hail, Satan?, about the "modern Satanists" that make up, for the most part, the Satanic Temple. The best thing I can say about that is, trigger warning! For devout Christians, anyway. They're liable to see these people either as genuinely frightening and evil -- even though they do things like adopt highways and challenge laws that ignore the separation of church and state -- or as wayward souls to be genuinely pitied. Either perspective is naïve at best, but whatever -- it doesn't change the likely response to this film, which the film itself does not really adequately address. I otherwise still liked it a lot, though.
And then I walked back home and spent about an hour on the review, before getting into bed just before Shobhit got home from work.

My toe continues to be, presumably, infected. It hurts to have a shoe on it for too long; walking too long on it remains a challenge; as long as I can sit down and keep my shoes off it's basically fine. Still, if I hit anything with it, I still get jabbing pain. Yesterday a saw a clear-ish liquid seeping out the corner of the toenail, not quite pus but close enough I suppose. I'm beginning to wonder again how long I should just wait to see if it heals up and goes away, before I do consult with a doctor.
With my 43rd birthday coming next week, I kind of feel like I am suddenly falling apart. Just this week, I also seem to be having unprecedented vision issues, where I find it more difficult to focus without real concentrated effort. It's like my eyeballs themselves just up and said, "I give up!" I asked Scott and Noah about it this morning -- Noah isn't yet, but Scott does use reading glasses. I'm wondering if starting to use reading glasses would help with this.
When I was writing the review last night, I literally could not focus enough on the text to be able to read it. I thought maybe I was having a problem with my contact lenses so I took them out. But, the issue remained even looking at it through my glasses. What the shit? I had to magnify the zoom on my computer screen four times before I felt like I could comfortably see the text I was typing. I have never dealt with anything even remotely like that before.
I get eye exams every two years. I just checked my Google calendar and the last one was . . . just last year. Fuck. If I don't find a remedy to this on my own, I'll have to do it an extra time. Or do people reach an age where they need an eye exam every year? God damn it! Whoever approved all of these changes needs to be fired.
Well, whatever. At least I won't have to read much of anything besides menus when I'm on a boat. And my Birth Week officially launches with the Fremont Brew Cruise with Laney after work today! I'm very excited. So I've still got that, at least!

[posted 12:25 pm]