looking up

I feel a little better today. I think. I certainly didn't feel worse, so I opted to come in today. I may still try and get to bed early this evening. Shobhit actually did call in sick. I felt a little sluggisth when I got out of bed this morning, but I knew from experience that was not from the cold I have, but rather from the NyQuil I took before going to sleep last night. I don't feel sluggish anymore.
I did do a lot yesterday evening. I felt pretty productive, actually. First, I biked direct to Pacific Place after work to watch the 5:05 pm showing of John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum, which I rather enjoyed, maybe even more than I expected. Then I rode the rest of the way home, and I made the next quart of New Origin Foods "ready to cook" dosa batter, and basically made the same kind of "pancakes" Shobhit had made with another quart the night before: adding a bit of yogurt to it, and also mixing in the last of the finely chopped onion, beets and green onion. I used the green one made with kale and a couple of other greens I can't remember; the base is made of rice so they are basically rice pancakes (they would be crepes but they aren't as thin when other, thicker stuff is mixed in). Anyway, I think I did a pretty good job, mostly because I conscientiously made smaller ones than Shobhit had, which made them far easier to flip without them breaking apart. I made 11 of them total, using the entire container, eating three of them for dinner, taking two for lunch today, and leaving six for Shobhit, which he ate when he got home from work late-ish last night.
All, of course, with the lentil soup vegetable dish he made the other night to go with it. He was assuming I would make rice for it last night, but I wanted more of the crepe/pancakes! We took four of those sample quarts, after all. Now we have two of them left.
Anyway, after that I went to my desk in the bedroom to eat, and then I took the requisite hour or so to write my movie review. After that it was finally time to get into bed, slightly later than I might have wanted under the circumstances but it's fine.

I just had my lunch, which I ate outside. I sat at a small table by myself at the far end of the patio, closer to Elliott Avenue than to Myrtle Edwards Park, but I still had a great view of Elliott Bay.
When I was still in the kitchen reheating my lunch, Terry saw me about to put my dishes into the microwave and she said, "Ooh, pancakes!" I wonder if she thought they were traditional pancakes? I mean, they did have a green tint to them.
They sure were good, anyway. Especially with the lentil vegetable soup laid over them. Yummy yummy.
It was nice to have some slightly warmer weather again, though -- it's been kind of chilly around here the past several days. We now have a high slated for 73° today, so when I rode my bike to work this morning I just wore my hoodie, as at that time it was 54°, which is now folded and crammed into my shoulder bag. I won't need a jacket for my ride home. But, mid-seventies is always the sweet spot for me for spring and summer months in Seattle, so I'm actually kind of looking forward to it.

[posted 12:34 pm]